Children's intellectual camp is a unique formof children's development. Every month on the territory of one of the best sports and recreation centers of the Moscow region for a few hours the guys master the wisdom of the ancient game of chess. The classes are organized under the directio...
Детский лагерь «ИскраГрад» – это лагерь с авторскими программами. Девиз лагеря: «ИскраГрад зажигает сердца!». При проведении смен главное - целостное развитие, увлеченность ребенка, чтобы каждый попробовал что-то новое и подобрал дело по интересам. Театральные представления и квесты, перформан...
28 january - 2 february
$ 163 After successfull reservation you will receive 825 bonus points
Make reservation in category "Winter thematic camps for children 8 - 12 years old for january" to the camps for children with a discount or bonus at Free reservation and cancellation! Select the best camp with our rating of camps. Compare price and genuine parents reviews about the camps.