Base: | Vila Verbena |
Region: | Lithuania, Klaipeda |
Nearest city: | Palanga |
Age: | for children 6 - 17 years old |
Address: | 12 Vanagupes g., Palanga, Klaipeda, Lithuania
(on the map: address and route) |
Number of children: | 40 |
Start year of work: | 2013 |
Documents: |
Company: | NARNIA |
Company registration number: | 772862275731 |
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Daytime camp from 9:00 to 17:00. The main activities / tents are held at Palanga, Vanagupes, 12.
Food 2 times a day: 11:30 - tea, 17:00 - 5 o'clock Tea clock
Rooms: | day stay |
Facilities (toilet): | shared, on the floor |
Food: | 2-time |
Area: | 250 000 m2 |
Children are supervised by experienced teachers during the day program of the camp.
Main program:
English for children and parents – this is a conversational practice.
We do not have much time, only two weeks, and I want to rest! Therefore, we do so. &Nbsp;
Not individual words, but phrases and turns. Only in context, only in the way that is actually used in the language.
Target phrases.
Each master class in the Tent – its own situation and its context for the application of the phrase. For successful answers, the guys are awarded chips. The chips will come in handy.
After the Target phrases we use in games. Game – the best way to talk anyone, and adults also like to play. It's great not only for English, but also for introspection, and for mutual understanding in the family. And anyway, it's fun! Games: role-playing, psychological and just logical, mobile, team, desktop … The choice of the game depends on the age and composition of the participants. And from the mood of the presenter.
By the end of the day, a set of new target phrases has been repeatedly heard in different contexts, repeated in the game, and so he kept in mind. To use it in speech, you need to conduct situational conversation. Half-hour stage, when for the chips received for the day, you can bargain for a prize.
Seller in Souvenir Store – the favorite leader of the shift, of course!
Day schedule:
We are open every day:
9:30 Meeting.
9:30 – 13:30 Creative workshops &Tents ».
11:30 Break for tea. We show good English manners.
13.30 – 14:00 " Gift shop " ;. Individual communication with the facilitator.
14:00 - 17:00 Lunch, family events *
17:00 - 17:30 5 o ’ clock Tea, distribution of teaching materials.
18:00 - 19:00 Dinner with parents *
19:30 - 21:00 Movie (English Cinema)
* is not included in the cost of the camp (paid separately)
Shift schedule:
Mon – sea,
BT – tour of Palanga,
CP – access to the Botanical Garden,
Th – treasure hunting, orienteering,
Fri – sea.
SB – cycle trip.
VS – departure to YOZO HBH: A rope park and a lot of entertainment,
Adored by children. At the end of the day – restaurant with the legendary Lithuanian kvass of own cooking HBH!
Mon – sea,
BT – The Maritime Museum,
CP – visit to the real amber fisherman Igoris and search for amber with finds,
Th – role-playing game,
Fri – concert. Getting certificates. &Nbsp;
Payment methods: |
Price included: |
Not included in the price: |
The day camp is designed for family holidays / activities. The cost of participation in the program of parents - 4 600 rubles for 2 weeks.
Possible assistance in arranging accommodation in Palanga, Lithuania in rooms and apartments in Villa Verbena " (photos of living conditions are placed above). |
What to take with: |
What is useful on the program and in life in Palanga:
Book this camp and share your impressions!
Как проехать: Bicycle, walking tour