Region: | Spain, Baleares |
Nearest city: | Palma de Mallorca |
Age: | for children 3 - 12 years old |
Address: | Palma de Mallorca, Via Alemania
(on the map) |
Number of children: | 60 |
Start year of work: | 1987 |
Company: | KidsMallorca. Language camp |
Company registration number: | Y4022482A |
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Osidioes programs are held in different localities islands. All the Centers have modern classrooms for n classes, conference and sports halls for active activities activities. Children are provided with material for classes, various sports events and entertainment events are held: mini-Olympic games, basketball, football, bowling, performances, discos, concerts.
Meals: lunch.
Rooms: | Daytime stay from 9.00 to 14.00 or until 16.00 |
Food: | 1-time |
Area: | 20 000 m2 |
concert hall, playground, gym, football field, volleyball field, pool
Security and health services:Insurance in case of illness and from accidents. Observation of instructors during the whole stay.
Main program:
More than 90 specialists in teaching foreign languages, have embodied their dream in reality: teaching languages is easy and fun. Beginning in 1987 with courses in England, the school has become an academy - the leader in language learning in Mallorca, which has more than 30 different linguistic directions in Europe and the USA. In 2014, the school was awarded the ISO 9001-2008 quality certificate for quality and learning outcomes.
Training programs are designed in such a way that the study of language takes place both in the country of carriers, but against the background of the magnificent nature of the island of Mallorca. With a full immersion system (100% English), children learn to communicate. At first the hearing gets used to the language to begin to understand it. Then vocabulary and grammar are introduced, just as naturally as in the native language, in practice in everyday situations.
A light and fun educational system, thanks to which children between the ages of 3 years can learn the language in a playful form. The purpose of staying in the camp is immersion in a new cultural space and language environment, combined with active rest. All teachers are native speakers or bilingualists. The parental and student satisfaction index is 95%. &Nbsp;
The summer camp program includes 10 hours of language per week, level test, didactic material, English diary, small groups of students, sporting events, mini-Olympic games, theater, pool, end of course, present to each child.
The first hour is devoted to learning the language. In these lessons, knowledge is given on a specific topic, which is used throughout the day with the help of various workshops for needlework, cooking, role-playing games, etc. At noon break to snack, relax, relax, play and regain strength. After the break, classes, games and sports competitions continue. All activities and communication are conducted in English. English lessons can be replaced by private Spanish lessons. As a result of the lessons, children fill in personal diaries, fixing their knowledge, thoughts, impressions. After lunch, the program continues until 4.00 pm.
Day schedule:
9:00 - lesson English
10:00 - preparation for the play / olympic games
11:00 - Break
11:30 - English lesson
12:30 - water games / treasure hunt
14:00 - Lunch
15:15 - arts and crafts / star academy / role play / literary circle
16:00 - parents picking up children
Payment methods: |
Price included: |
Not included in the price: |
Lunch - 9 € per day |
What to take with: |
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