Подарите своему ребенку незабываемые впечатления и встречу с новыми друзьями из разных стран мира. Гости пребывают в мультиязычной среде, каждый день занимаются английским с педагогом - носителем языка. Ваши дети будут вовлечены в удивительную атмосферу летнего отдыха под теплым Анталийским солн...
Olimpus touristic camp is a camp for children whose free time is occupied with creativity, for children who love to create. Here children go hiking, play sports and learn English and just have fun and spend time. In addition, it's sunny Antalya — a favorite place for tourists! Near you can find t...
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Make reservation in category "Camps in Turkey with learning english for children 12 - 18 years old" to the camps for children with a discount or bonus at incamp.me. Free reservation and cancellation! Select the best camp in Turkey with our rating of camps. Compare price and genuine parents reviews about the camps.