Found 15 children's camps
Обучение основным навыкам хоккея квалифицированными, действующими тренерами Детско-Юношеской Спортивной Школы Олимпийского Резерва, "Трактор", "Мечел", "Сигнал", "Белые медведи" (все Челябинск), "Металлург" Магнитогорск. "Моя игра" - международные тренировочные хоккейные сборы для юных хоккеистов в 40 км от Челябинска. Сборы собирают спортсменов из России, стран СНГ (Казахстан, Украина, Эстония) и других стран. 2 тренировки на льду по 75 минут, 2 тренировки на земле по 60 минут ежедневно.
Отличная возможность провести каникулы с пользой и улучшить свои навыки в хоккее! ХТЦ “Магия Хоккея” и известный хоккейный блогер hockey stigg приглашают всех желающих на зимние хоккейные сборы в г. Сочи! За 9 тренировочных дней вы получите 17 часов льда и 26 часов функциональной подготовки! Мас...
Hockey camp is aimed at practicing and perfecting individual skills of player. The maximum number of registered players for one coach is 6 in one micro-group.
Hockey camp is aimed at practicing and perfecting individual skills of player. The maximum number of registered players for one coach is 6 in one micro-group.
Hockey camp is aimed at practicing and perfecting individual skills of player. The maximum number of registered players for one coach is 6 in one micro-group.
Hockey camp is aimed at practicing and perfecting individual skills of player. The maximum number of registered players for one coach is 6 in one micro-group.
Hockey camp is aimed at practicing and perfecting individual skills of player. The maximum number of registered players for one coach is 6 in one micro-group.
Summer hockey camp "BP Hockey" is aimed at practicing and improving the individual skills of the player. The maximum number of players is 6 in one microgroup per coach. Players are divided into groups by age and level of training coach; goalkeepers coach deals with assistants goalkeepers.
Have you ever watched a world Cup match and admired hockey skills, perfection and interest of the Czech players? Now you have a good opportunity to train to become the star of world hockey.There is an international atmosphere in our camp. Players from all over the world get together to inspire e...
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This is an old program. You can leave a request , and we'll pick up a similar program
Traditional training hockey camp for field players under the direction of experienced Czech coaches has been organized in the Beroun for more than 14 years already. Children will be divided into three groups according to their age and level of training. One coach will work with less than 5 child...
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The goalkeepers will receive a comprehensive training session that will help them in the upcoming seasons in a week.
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Individual specialized intensive trainings on ice hockey for kids: feinting; skating; shooting and puck handling; long and short passing; physical encounter with a rival; off-ice practice sessions include stick handling, gym sessions, athletics and games. One coach/three players.
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The main idea of the children's hockey camp is to provide the pupil with multi-faceted training, to improve the understanding of the system of training hockey players, to improve individual skills. The whole team of coaches, which we have - the current coaches and players from the Czech Republic....
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Individual intensive special course on ice hockey for children and young people in Prague. One coach will work with two players. We focus on individual skills like skating, dekes (stick handling), long and short passes, shots, power fight. All the main elements on the ice are practiced in the mo...
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