Found 4 children's camps
The camp for TV presenters and video bloggers "Telemore" is the official camp of the channel HelloRussia TV. The organizers are heldg it every year since 2012. In 2019 - accommodation in apart-hotel "Gorki Gorod", on Krasnaya Polyana, in Sochi. Every day children will take pictures, organize mas...
"Maksatics Camp" is the first resident camp in England in Russian. There is a real film-shooting platform, focused on the development of socially active and creative child, where the motivation for the final result is not just words, but the real embodiment of the joint creativity of children, i...
"Mediawave" - camp on the Black sea with an active and entertaining educational program. The children will learn photography, video shooting, acting, blogging. On the "MediaWave" everyone will find something to taste, try every direction. Daily visits to the beach and swimming in the sea are inc...
8 june - 18 june
View all shiftsТворческий лагерь "Media Camp" рассчитан на абсолютно разных ребят. Для тех, кто поет, танцует, не видит своей жизни без креатива, придумывает идеи, не боится быть необычным и не таким, как все. Ребята научатся работать в команде, раскрывать творческий потенциал, получат позитивные эмоции и ув...