Program camp "Forpost" is developed on the military "sciences". At various stages, participants will learn to be not only a leader in their team, but also to act as a slave, to provide mutual assistance and support to comrades, to feel the shoulder of a friend and turn into a real team. "Battle ...
21 february - 23 february
$ 142 After successfull reservation you will receive 740 bonus points
Тактическая и огневая подготовки, выживание в сложных условиях, альпинизм. Проект включает в себя укрепление здоровья, регулярные занятия спортом и вневойсковой подготовкой. В основе программы - принципы патриотического и духовно-нравственного воспитания. В стоимость программы также включены камуфляж, посещение бассейна и лазертаг.
Our efforts are aimed at cultivating creative and talented person, who loves his relatives and friends, his nearest, and motherland of course. To achieve this goal, it is necessary both to provide knowledge and skills that will contribute to the formation of appropriate ideals, principles and ou...
Make reservation in category "Patriotic camps in Moscow (Moskva)" to the camps for children with a discount or bonus at Free reservation and cancellation! Select the best camp in the region Moscow (Moskva) with our rating of camps. Compare price and genuine parents reviews about the camps.