Found 3 children's camps
Logo Polis – авторский детский лагерь, основанный в 2006 году. В основе программы лежит одноименная большая ситуационно-ролевая игра - эпопея, послужившая началом развития детской Республики и сюжета детского общества. Logo Polis - уникальная форма организации детского отдыха и дополнительного...
This summer organizers invite children to spend holidays with interesting combo program: during 20 days children will travel to the "Media volna": training and workshops on photography, video, acting and journalism, swimming in the sea. Kids will have the adventure of the "City of Heroes" with t...
8 june - 28 june
View all shifts"Mediawave" - camp on the Black sea with an active and entertaining educational program. The children will learn photography, video shooting, acting, blogging. On the "MediaWave" everyone will find something to taste, try every direction. Daily visits to the beach and swimming in the sea are inc...
8 june - 18 june
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