Found 6 children's camps
The English club celebrates 20 th anniversary! English classes 2 times a day. In the program life under the Constitution, which was invented by children and counselors, as well as role-playing, quest, paramilitary games, cool shows on stage and discos every other day. A minimum of 2 games and 1 ...
Шахматный лагерь на побережье Дубая - формат, сочетающий в себе шахматные занятия от лучших тренеров Русской Шахматной Школы и приятный отдых на берегу Персидского залива. В рамках программы смен "Русской шахматной школы" дети попадают в такие условия, где занятия шахматами перестают бы...
Международная футбольная программа FootSkill camp подходит для ребят любого уровня подготовки. Программа построена на принципе улучшения футболиста и его личных качеств на футбольном поле, таких как дриблинг, работа ног, скорость, ударная работа, фристайл и реакция . Регулярно проводятся те...
The summer linguistic camp “Canadian Island” with the learning of English and Italian languages is the place where children come to find friends, learn a lot and to get an unforgettable and valuable experience
The summer linguistic camp “Canadian Island” with the learning of English and Italian languages is the place where children come to find friends, learn a lot and to get an unforgettable and valuable experience.
Dreamcamp is a camp dedicated to entertainment and educational programs for children from 6 to 16 years. The program uses the experience of the world companies Boeing, Microsoft, Walmart, which for many years are partners of the program. WBW is an opportunity to pass all stages of creation, func...
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