Found 7 children's camps
"Dobrokon" is a horseracing program for those who love to ride through the vast fields or those who want to improve their level, to try new things and go beyond! This horseracing and tourist program is conducted on a horse base, where there are huge fields, forests, clean air, where there are al...
Спортивная программа для любителей лошадей, включающая обучение верховой езде и специализацию для всадников разного уровня подготовки (даже с нуля): общая верховая езда, конкур, выездка, джигитовка. Дополнительно доступна программа " Дружба с лошадью", которая включает работу в руках, дрессуру, ...
Equestrian camp is a journey to the horse farm and daily horse riding. The camp program is designed for children who do not know how to ride, as well as for those who are already engaged in horse riding for years. Our instructors will make you first-class riders and teach you how to properly car...
23 march - 29 march
View all shiftsWinter horse camp in Mocsow suburbs "HorseParadise" has already 7 years successfully implemented the program of introducing kids to farm, and horse riding. Professional counselors, experienced instructors, an active program and fresh air will make the rest of the child on winter vacation not only...
Multifaceted creative camp which has linguistic, theatrical, robotic and horse riding. The association of several organizations allows children to do what they love, and in their free time fun and active all together to spend leisure time. The programs are full of original ideas, which are const...
В мире компьютерных технологий все меньше и меньше времени уделяются живому общению. Особенно остро эта проблема стоит у детей. Сидя за соседними партами в школе современный ребенок предпочтет написать своему соседу, чем обратиться напрямую. Основная концепция программы – социализация ребенка ...
We offer 50 English lessons in 2 weeks with native speakers. Vacation in a camp IP-RUSSIA with intensive language learning. This is a joint project of the British IP school and the Russian company Booking Education. Teachers are only native speakers with experience in teaching English as a forei...