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Intellectual camps in Russia for children 8 - 16 years old

Camps with places on the map

Found 14 children's camps

English Club Lingua

Russia, Moskva, Pansionat "Zvenigorodskiy"

Excellent 5,0 / 5

1 review

Camp "English Club Lingua" builds its program entirely in English. For those who have a basic level of English, everything will be translated. Every day games, activities, new vocabulary. Small groups of 12-14 people, small language groups. 3 hours of English lessons per day. Native speakers on ...

29 march - 5 april

View all shifts
$ 379     $ 360discount $ 19

29 march - 5 april

$ 32 400    $ 360

31 may - 10 june

$ 81 500    $ 905

12 june - 25 june

$ 99 500    $ 1 105

27 june - 10 july

$ 99 500    $ 1 105

12 july - 22 july

$ 81 500    $ 905

23 july - 2 august

$ 81 500    $ 905

4 august - 17 august

$ 99 500    $ 1 105

19 august - 29 august

$ 81 500    $ 905
Zhivaya legenda

Russia, Pushkino, Pushkinskiy g.o., selo Levkovo, 38A

Excellent 4,8 / 5

138 reviews

The program of children and family recreation "Zhivaya legenda" is designed for children from 7 to 17 years. In the adventure program children are waiting for busy days, sports, creativity, intellectual and cultural development. The task of the organizers is to bring up in children the love of k...

6 april - 12 april

View all shifts
$ 392     $ 372discount $ 20

6 april - 12 april

$ 33 500    $ 372

1 may - 4 may

$ 21 350    $ 237

31 may - 13 june

$ 87 200    $ 969

31 may - 13 june

$ 90 200    $ 1 002

16 june - 29 june

$ 87 200    $ 969

16 june - 29 june

$ 90 200    $ 1 002

2 july - 15 july

$ 87 200    $ 969

2 july - 15 july

$ 90 200    $ 1 002

18 july - 31 july

$ 87 200    $ 969

18 july - 31 july

$ 90 200    $ 1 002

3 august - 9 august

$ 46 750    $ 519

10 august - 16 august

$ 46 750    $ 519

18 august - 31 august

$ 87 200    $ 969

18 august - 31 august

$ 90 200    $ 1 002
Terra Nostra

Russia, Shatura, Terra Nostra

Excellent 5,0 / 5

32 reviews

A new project from specialists with great experience, which carefully combined the heritage of the past and the best modern ideas. Without gadgets and boredom – a place where children can be children, experience real adventures, find real friends, join the sport and creativity. Children will go ...

5 april - 12 april

View all shifts
$ 401     $ 381discount $ 20

5 april - 12 april

$ 34 300    $ 381

29 may - 18 june

$ 107 000    $ 1 189

16 july - 5 august

$ 127 000    $ 1 411

Russia, Moskva, baza Yolka

Excellent 4,8 / 5

228 reviews

The organizers of the children's camp "Yolka" make not just fun, but also educational sessions for children. Science is a way of life and the camp team works daily on several educational programs for children from 7 to 16 years. On the territory of the camp, each child has access to two mode...

1 may - 4 may

View all shifts
$ 268     $ 254discount $ 13

1 may - 4 may

$ 22 900    $ 254

31 may - 11 june

$ 73 000    $ 811

13 june - 24 june

$ 75 000    $ 833

26 june - 7 july

$ 75 000    $ 833

9 july - 20 july

$ 75 000    $ 833

22 july - 2 august

$ 75 000    $ 833

4 august - 15 august

$ 73 000    $ 811

17 august - 28 august

$ 73 000    $ 811
Logo Polis

Russia, Moskva, DOL "Druzhba"

Excellent 5,0 / 5

1 review

"Logo Polis" – авторский детский проект, основанный в 2006 году. В основе программы лежит одноименная большая ситуационно-ролевая игра - эпопея, послужившая началом развития детской Республики и сюжета детского общества. " Logo Polis" - уникальная форма организации детского отдыха и дополните...

18 june - 30 june

View all shifts
$ 1 168     $ 1 110discount $ 58

18 june - 30 june

$ 99 900    $ 1 110

3 july - 15 july

$ 99 900    $ 1 110

18 july - 30 july

$ 99 900    $ 1 110

Russia, Volzhskiy, Byikovo, DOL Lukomor'e

Very good 4,2 / 5

124 reviews

Children's camp "Lukomorye" is not only a special atmosphere and romance, but also new skills in the treasury of skills. Having a developing focus, all programs are unthinkable without intellectual and creative games and show events that expand horizons, contribute to the growth of self-este...

15 june - 5 july

View all shifts
$ 193
After successfull reservation you will receive   413  bonus points

15 june - 5 july

$ 193

8 july - 28 july

$ 205

31 july - 20 august

$ 193

Russia, Sochi, OOTs Ilona

Very good 4,3 / 5

71 reviews

"VTOCHKU!"- creative and linguistic camp at the sea with a rich entertainment program and learning English. The camp is located in an ecologically clean area the first coastline with its own equipped beach and swimming pool. Our program helps to improve English, increase creativity, physical tra...

10 june - 24 june

View all shifts
$ 1 117     $ 1 061discount $ 56

10 june - 24 june

$ 95 500    $ 1 061

27 june - 11 july

$ 95 500    $ 1 061

13 july - 27 july

$ 95 500    $ 1 061

29 july - 12 august

$ 95 500    $ 1 061

14 august - 28 august

$ 95 500    $ 1 061
Terra Nostra

Russia, Shatura, Terra Nostra

Excellent 5,0 / 5

4 reviews

A new project from specialists with great experience, which carefully combined the heritage of the past and the best modern ideas. Without gadgets and boredom – a place where children can be children, experience real adventures, find real friends, join the sport and creativity. Children will go ...

29 may - 18 june

View all shifts
$ 1 193     $ 1 133discount $ 60

29 may - 18 june

$ 102 000    $ 1 133

9 august - 29 august

$ 117 000    $ 1 300

Russia, Moskva, LOK "Izumrud"

Excellent 4,9 / 5

2 reviews


Программа «АйДаКемп» проводится в Московской области, Наро-Фоминском городском округе, деревне Деденево, всего в 50 километрах от столицы, среди живописных хвойных и лиственных лесов Изумрудной зоны. Лагерь занимает территорию площадью 7 гектаров , где созданы все условия для комфортного преб...

30 may - 10 june

View all shifts
$ 807     $ 767discount $ 40

30 may - 10 june

$ 69 000    $ 767

15 august - 28 august

$ 79 000    $ 878

Russia, Samara, Zagorodnyiy Kompleks Tsiolkovskiy

Excellent 4,7 / 5

7 reviews


Языковой лагерь в Загородном Комплексе Циолковский от сети школ английского языка englishburgh. Каждая смена - это всегда новая тематика. Ребята делятся на отряды по возрасту, а для двухчасовых увлекательных занятий по английскому - согласно уровню знаний. Кто не знал английский - познакомится и освоит базовые знания в игровой ненавязчивой форме. Кто хочет улучшить и подтянуть свой уровень - сделает это вместе с наставником-носителем языка!

22 june - 29 june

$ 678
After successfull reservation you will receive   1000  bonus points

22 june - 29 june

$ 678
ОК "Звёздный"

Russia, Ryazan', OK "Zvyozdnyiy"

Excellent 5,0 / 5

1 review

ОК "Звёздный"

В детском лагере «Звёздный» дети окунутся в атмосферу, в которую будут стремиться возвращаться из года в год для того, чтобы увидеться со старыми друзьями. Программа лагеря представляет собой спектр различных видов деятельности. Обучение навыкам скалолазания, занятия в веревочном парке,...

28 may - 10 june

View all shifts
$ 696     $ 661discount $ 35

28 may - 10 june

$ 59 500    $ 661

16 august - 29 august

$ 59 500    $ 661

Russia, Kaluga, ZOL "Vityaz'"

ДОЛ "Витязь" и программа «Тайна» - это фантазийный лагерь, особенностью которого является сюжетная игра, где участники смены вовлечены в процесс разгадывания истории, сбора артефактов и поиска разгадок. Приоритетом является организация баланса активности, грамотное распределение интенсивнос...

2 june - 15 june

View all shifts
$ 737     $ 700discount $ 37

2 june - 15 june

$ 63 000    $ 700

17 june - 30 june

$ 65 800    $ 731

2 july - 15 july

$ 65 800    $ 731

17 july - 30 july

$ 65 800    $ 731

2 august - 15 august

$ 65 800    $ 731

Russia, Tuapse, GU sanatoriy «Belaya Rus'»


В связи с постоянно растущим спросом на детский отдых организаторы регулярно совершенствуют программу детского отдыха, поэтому для более комфортного и безопасного отдыха приглашаем детей только в самые лучше локации Краснодарского края, где оценка по отзывам Яндекса не менее 5.0 - то есть имеет ...

13 june - 26 june

View all shifts
$ 911     $ 865discount $ 46

13 june - 26 june

$ 77 900    $ 865

12 august - 25 august

$ 77 900    $ 865
Kaleidoscope of Games

Russia, Pushkino, "Tsentr otdyiha Zelenyiy gorodok"

Excellent 4,7 / 5

16 reviews

"Kaleidoscope games" is a series of big games, adventures and lightning, kind and interesting programme of children's activities in the stationary camp in the suburbs. During the shift in the camp, children will be able to live a whole life: to be a brave knight and a wise magician, a magica...

16 july - 29 july

View all shifts
$ 886
After successfull reservation you will receive   1000  bonus points

16 july - 29 july

$ 886

1 august - 14 august

$ 886

17 august - 30 august

$ 840
Make reservation in category "Intellectual camps in Russia for children 8 - 16 years old" to the camps for children with a discount or bonus at incamp.me. Free reservation and cancellation! Select the best camp in Russia with our rating of camps. Compare price and genuine parents reviews about the camps.