Found 10 children's camps
Motocamp is a great opportunity to try yourself in motorsport. This is a full immersion in motocross and off-road driving under the guidance of the best coaches of the children's school of motocross in Moscow. Who among us in childhood did not dream to quickly get behind the wheel of the par...
23 march - 29 march
View all shiftsMusic camp is an opportunity to discover your talents, learn to play guitar, keys or drums, work out with the best teachers, practitioners, gather your own music group and arrange a big summer concert. The program of the music camp is selected in such a way that it is suitable for children with d...
23 march - 29 march
View all shiftsEquestrian camp is a journey to the horse farm and daily horse riding. The camp program is designed for children who do not know how to ride, as well as for those who are already engaged in horse riding for years. Our instructors will make you first-class riders and teach you how to properly car...
23 march - 29 march
View all shiftsKomandor Camp. Академия Блогеров – профессиональное обучение фото и видео блогингу. Ребята узнают как вести свой блог и создадут свою собственную авторскую страничку в Instagramm и канал на YouTube. Дисциплины Академии Блогеров, это практические занятия по: фото мастерству, видео блогингу...
23 march - 29 march
View all shiftsСообщество семей неравнодушных к воспитанию своих детей. Совместно проводим выезды, походы, чтобы воспитывать детей в православных, патриотических традициях, на нравственных примерах в любви к Богу, Родине и ближним! Ставим в приоритет взаимное доверие, следование общим правилам, умение ставить ...
"Dance Camp. Танцевальный интенсив для детей и подростков" - это ежедневные тренировки в разных стилях, начиная от классической хореографии и заканчивая современными популярными направлениями - брейк-данс, хип-хоп, джаз фанк, танцевальный фитнес и даже йога. Ребята будут ежедневно оттачивать с...
1 june - 10 june
View all shiftsTourist camp is not only unity with nature, it is an opportunity to test your strength in unusual conditions: learn to navigate the terrain, put up tents, build a shelter, properly build a fire, learn the basics of mountaineering and mountain tourism. What is more breathtaking than traveling? Al...
1 june - 10 june
View all shiftsSurf camp is 3 sessions of different and active rest. We will learn how to sail, stand confidently on the board, learn how to catch and tame the wind. We will go on a kayak trip and spend the night on the island like real Robinsons. We will make Hawaiian Slippers and learn how to balance on SUP ...
1 june - 10 june
View all shiftsМото лагерь – отличная возможность попробовать свои силы в мотоспорте. Это полное погружение в мотокросс и обучение внедорожному мастерству вождения питбайков, а также технические занятия по устройству и ремонту мотоцикла. Кто из нас в детстве не мечтал побыстрее сесть за руль родительской маш...
1 june - 10 june
View all shiftsAvia camp is a professional training of pilots and training in the basics of aerobatics on the Yak - 52 sports aircraft. In the training program children will have an extensive theoretical part with the study of the aircraft design and safety rules on the ground and in the air, will learn how to...
9 august - 18 august
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