If you want your child to have a good rest, improve his / her health, improve English, join the basics of the Orthodox faith and come back with bright impressions, then we are waiting for you in the Orthodox language camp. Every child is surrounded by love, attention and care.
A new project from specialists with great experience, which carefully combined the heritage of the past and the best modern ideas. Without gadgets and boredom – a place where children can be children, experience real adventures, find real friends, join the sport and creativity. Children will go ...
ДОЛ «ИскраГрад» – это лагерь с авторскими программами. Девиз лагеря: «ИскраГрад зажигает сердца!». При проведении смен главное - целостное развитие, увлеченность ребенка, чтобы каждый попробовал что-то новое и подобрал дело по интересам. Театральные представления и квесты, перформансы и шоу, и...
$ 608 After successfull reservation you will receive 1000 bonus points
1 june - 21 june
$ 608
24 june - 14 july
$ 608
17 july - 6 august
$ 608
9 august - 29 august
$ 608
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