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Camps by the sea in Russia for children 7 - 14 years old

Camps with places on the map

Found 66 children's camps

Football Academy Avangard

Russia, Sochi, Sportivnyiy kompleks "Yunost'"

Excellent 4,9 / 5

50 reviews

Football Academy Avangard

Football training camp of the Football Academy "Avangard" is a unique football camp in Russia, which allows to get a significant development of football skills in a short time and maximum pleasure from your favorite sport. High efficiency of AFM "AVANGARD" training camps is achieved due to full ...

22 march - 29 march

View all shifts
$ 453
After successfull reservation you will receive   1000  bonus points

22 march - 29 march

$ 453

22 march - 29 march

$ 590

1 june - 10 june

$ 514

1 june - 10 june

$ 744

11 june - 20 june

$ 744

21 june - 30 june

$ 514

21 june - 30 june

$ 744

1 july - 10 july

$ 514

1 july - 10 july

$ 744

11 july - 20 july

$ 514

11 july - 20 july

$ 744

21 july - 30 july

$ 514

21 july - 30 july

$ 744

31 july - 9 august

$ 514

31 july - 9 august

$ 744

10 august - 17 august

$ 457

10 august - 17 august

$ 629
FootSkill camp

Russia, Novorossiysk, uchebno-trenirovochnaya baza "ButKyemp"

Excellent 5,0 / 5

6 reviews

Футбольные сборы для детей от 6 до 18 лет. Лучшее место для развития футбольных навыков ребёнка. Сборы прошли ребята из ведущих клубов и академий России. За 5 лет на программе побывало более 700 участников, которые значительно улучшили показатели в своих командах. Ваш ребенок: Ул...

30 june - 9 july

View all shifts
$ 905     $ 815discount $ 91

30 june - 9 july

$ 905    $ 815

10 july - 19 july

$ 905    $ 815

Russia, pos. Peschanoe, MDMTs "I&Camp"

Excellent 4,6 / 5

61 reviews

I&Camp is the only camp in the world that combines so many unique elements necessary for children's recreation at the sea. Design rooms, modern sports infrastructure, equipped fan-zone for performances and concerts, VIP-beach, swimming pool complex with a slide, classes in creative clubs and...

31 may - 20 june

View all shifts
$ 1 511     $ 1 436discount $ 76

31 may - 20 june

$ 131 900    $ 1 436

4 june - 20 june

$ 125 500    $ 1 366

21 june - 7 july

$ 131 900    $ 1 436

8 july - 24 july

$ 137 500    $ 1 497

25 july - 10 august

$ 137 500    $ 1 497

11 august - 27 august

$ 131 900    $ 1 436

11 august - 31 august

$ 137 500    $ 1 497
We are going to Sochi!

Russia, Sochi, Ozdorovitel'no-obrazovatel'nyiy tsentr Ilona

Excellent 4,5 / 5

147 reviews

Санаторно-курортный центр «Илона» является одной из активно и стабильно работающих здравниц города-курорта Сочи.

Аквапарк, собственный пляж, комфортное размещение, пятиразовое питание "шведский стол", санаторно-курортное лечение, насыщенная программа досуга.

12 june - 25 june

View all shifts
$ 1 059     $ 1 048discount $ 11

12 june - 25 june

$ 92 400    $ 1 048

26 june - 7 july

$ 70 800    $ 803

26 june - 15 july

$ 124 000    $ 1 406

26 june - 15 july

$ 132 000    $ 1 497

27 june - 10 july

$ 86 800    $ 985

27 june - 10 july

$ 92 400    $ 1 048

9 july - 20 july

$ 70 800    $ 803

13 july - 26 july

$ 86 800    $ 985

13 july - 26 july

$ 92 400    $ 1 048

18 july - 6 august

$ 124 000    $ 1 406

29 july - 11 august

$ 86 800    $ 985

29 july - 11 august

$ 92 400    $ 1 048

8 august - 27 august

$ 124 000    $ 1 406

14 august - 27 august

$ 86 800    $ 985

14 august - 27 august

$ 92 400    $ 1 048

Very good 4,2 / 5

1 review

Детский санаторно-оздоровительный комплекс «Криница» - это мягкий климат, соленый морской воздух, правильное разнообразное питание, зажигательная команда вожатых . Все это дает море позитива и способно восстановить силы после холодной зимы и учебного года. Комплекс расположен в хвой...

2 june - 22 june

View all shifts
$ 930     $ 920discount $ 9

2 june - 22 june

$ 81 150    $ 920

24 june - 14 july

$ 87 150    $ 989

24 june - 14 july

$ 98 700    $ 1 120

17 july - 6 august

$ 87 150    $ 989

17 july - 6 august

$ 98 700    $ 1 120

8 august - 28 august

$ 87 150    $ 989

8 august - 28 august

$ 98 700    $ 1 120
Children's health camp Brigantina

Russia, Bahchisaray, DOL "Brigantina"

Very good 4,1 / 5

17 reviews

Children's recreation camp "Brigantina" is 10 hectares of pine park on the black sea coast. Here in the shade and coolness of the Crimean pine rest children from all over Russia. Comfortable accommodation, "Swedish board", sand and pebble beach - it's all you need for a good rest! We com...

3 june - 23 june

View all shifts
$ 835     $ 827discount $ 8

3 june - 23 june

$ 72 900    $ 827

24 june - 14 july

$ 72 900    $ 827

17 july - 6 august

$ 72 900    $ 827

9 august - 29 august

$ 72 900    $ 827

Russia, Sochi, OOTs Ilona

Very good 4,3 / 5

71 reviews

"VTOCHKU!"- creative and linguistic camp at the sea with a rich entertainment program and learning English. The camp is located in an ecologically clean area the first coastline with its own equipped beach and swimming pool. Our program helps to improve English, increase creativity, physical tra...

10 june - 24 june

View all shifts
$ 1 094     $ 1 039discount $ 55

10 june - 24 june

$ 95 500    $ 1 039

27 june - 11 july

$ 95 500    $ 1 039

13 july - 27 july

$ 95 500    $ 1 039

29 july - 12 august

$ 95 500    $ 1 039

14 august - 28 august

$ 95 500    $ 1 039
Mountain Eaglet

Russia, Burmistrovo, SOLKD "Chkalovets"

Very good 4,2 / 5

12 reviews

Mountain Eaglet

The children's health camp "Mountain Eaglet" invites children from 7-16 years old to strengthen their health, show themselves in their work and get a lot of positive emotions and impressions in a picturesque corner of Gorny Altai at the confluence of the Katun and Sema rivers. We would like ...

1 june - 21 june

View all shifts
$ 749     $ 734discount $ 15

1 june - 21 june

$ 65 400    $ 734

23 june - 13 july

$ 66 900    $ 751

15 july - 4 august

$ 66 900    $ 751

7 august - 27 august

$ 65 400    $ 734
Яркие каникулы

Russia, Tuapse, SOK "Zolotoy Kolos"

Very good 4,3 / 5

1 review

Яркие каникулы

"Яркие каникулы" - это лагерь в Туапсинском районе, Краснодарского края, для детей от 7 до 16 лет. Собственный пляж, мелкая галька на берегу Черного моря. Дружная команда опытных вожатых и авторские сценарии для каждой смены. Возможность оплаты частями и недорогой дорожный пакет. И конечно, бо...

31 may - 20 june

View all shifts
$ 847     $ 804discount $ 42

31 may - 20 june

$ 73 900    $ 804

23 june - 13 july

$ 78 900    $ 859

15 july - 4 august

$ 78 900    $ 859

6 august - 26 august

$ 76 900    $ 837
Pearl coast

Russia, Yalta/Gurzuf, Zhemchuzhnyiy Bereg

Very good 4,0 / 5

13 reviews

Pearl coast

Children's camp "Pearl coast" is located in the Crimea, on The black sea, 12 km far from Yalta in the village of Gurzuf. Gurzuf is beautiful at any time of the year: unusual Crimean landscapes, picturesque bays attracted Pushkin, Chekhov, Chaliapin. In Gurzuf near the mountain Ayu-Dag the fa...

1 june - 21 june

View all shifts
$ 802     $ 794discount $ 8

1 june - 21 june

$ 70 000    $ 794

24 june - 14 july

$ 70 000    $ 794

17 july - 6 august

$ 70 000    $ 794

9 august - 29 august

$ 70 000    $ 794

Excellent 5,0 / 5

1 review

Детский лагерь "PANDA CAMP" от туроператора "Линтас-тур"

«Panda camp» знает какой отдых нужен современному ребенку и гарантирует качественное обслуживание и индивидуальный подход. Имеет неоспоримые преимущества по сравнению с другими здравницами. Находится обособленно от городской суеты, располагается самом на берегу Черного моря и имеет собственный...

2 june - 22 june

View all shifts
$ 962
After successfull reservation you will receive   600  bonus points

2 june - 22 june

$ 962

23 june - 6 july

$ 722

9 july - 22 july

$ 722

25 july - 7 august

$ 722

8 august - 28 august

$ 1 083
Most Сamp

Russia, Tuapse, DOL «Himik"

Excellent 4,7 / 5

14 reviews

Most Сamp

International innovation camp MOSTcamp - a camp in the action style, where there is not a single minute of boredom, where are the most interesting and modern workshops and the most incredible show program every evening. MOST CAMP is a truly interactive camp with learning English. The main idea -...

24 june - 14 july

View all shifts
$ 1 467
After successfull reservation you will receive   900  bonus points

24 june - 14 july

$ 1 467

17 july - 6 august

$ 1 535

9 august - 22 august

$ 1 059
Children's health camp Morskaya Zvezda

Russia, Tuapse, DOK "Morskaya zvezda"

Very good 4,1 / 5

20 reviews

Children's health camp Morskaya Zvezda

Children's health camp "Morskaya Zvezda" is a seaside with climate of subtropics, clean air, sun, air and sea baths - all that has a beneficial effect on the child's body. Every child will find friends with the same interests, reveal their talents, and most importantly, immerse in the pr...

1 june - 20 june

View all shifts
$ 939
After successfull reservation you will receive   650  bonus points

1 june - 20 june

$ 939

1 june - 21 june

$ 968

24 june - 13 july

$ 1 025

24 june - 14 july

$ 1 051

17 july - 5 august

$ 1 025

17 july - 6 august

$ 1 051

7 august - 26 august

$ 1 008

9 august - 29 august

$ 1 024
Детский лагерь "Созвездие" от туроператора "Линтас-тур"

Детский оздоровительный лагерь "Созвездие" находится на берегу Черного моря на территории Туапсинского района Краснодарского края среди вековых пицундских сосен и лиственных деревьев, в экологически чистой зоне (общая площадь 10 Га.), в 200 метрах от моря. Особенность рельефа сочетает многообр...

1 june - 20 june

View all shifts
$ 871
After successfull reservation you will receive   900  bonus points

1 june - 20 june

$ 871

1 june - 20 june

$ 939

24 june - 13 july

$ 894

24 june - 13 july

$ 962

17 july - 5 august

$ 894

17 july - 5 august

$ 962

9 august - 28 august

$ 888

9 august - 28 august

$ 951
Children's Health Camp Satellite (Sputnik)

Russia, Taganrog, DOL «Krasnyiy desant»

Excellent 4,8 / 5

5 reviews

Children's Health Camp Satellite (Sputnik)

Children's camp Sputnik is located directly on the shore of the Azov sea, on the first line 50 meters from the sea, a unique park area with a large number of different types of trees and heady air of flower beds. Summer, autumn, winter, spring and again summer ... all year round "Sputnik" is...

24 june - 14 july

View all shifts
$ 640     $ 608discount $ 32

24 june - 14 july

$ 55 900    $ 608

17 july - 6 august

$ 55 900    $ 608

9 august - 29 august

$ 55 900    $ 608
Китайская грамота

Russia, Taganrog, DOTs «Kotlostroitel'»

Very good 4,0 / 5

5 reviews

Китайская грамота

В течение трёх недель дети в игровой форме окунутся в культуру Китая и начнут увлекательное путешествие по грамматике, орфографии и лексике китайского языка. За это короткое время дети преодолеют языковой барьер овладеют новыми знаниями, пополнят лексический запас и отработают грамматические стр...

1 june - 21 june

View all shifts
$ 640     $ 608discount $ 32

1 june - 21 june

$ 55 900    $ 608

24 june - 14 july

$ 55 900    $ 608

17 july - 6 august

$ 55 900    $ 608

9 august - 29 august

$ 55 900    $ 608
DALE "Sputnik"

Russia, Taganrog, DOK "Sputnik"

Good 3,9 / 5

6 reviews

DALE "Sputnik"

We invite all provocative, cheerful, active, inquisitive children aged 6 to 17 years. The camp is surrounded by the sea, occupies an area of 9 hectares and is far from urban smog and noise. "Sputnik" is a unique park area with a large number of different types of trees, and the heady air of flow...

1 june - 21 june

View all shifts
$ 801     $ 761discount $ 40

1 june - 21 june

$ 69 900    $ 761

24 june - 14 july

$ 69 900    $ 761

17 july - 6 august

$ 69 900    $ 761

9 august - 29 august

$ 69 900    $ 761
Gorod Dostizhenij

Russia, Evpatoriya, Tsentr sporta "Yevolyutsiya"

Excellent 4,7 / 5

23 reviews

Gorod Dostizhenij

Year-round camp "Gorod Dostizhenij" is located in the Crimea, Yevpatoria on the first line of the Black sea. A new program is waiting for the children every vacation. Daily: swimming pool, sports games, quests, discos. In the camp "City of achievements" children will develop leadership skills, c...

1 june - 21 june

View all shifts
$ 886     $ 842discount $ 44

1 june - 21 june

$ 77 368    $ 842

24 june - 14 july

$ 92 842    $ 1 011

17 july - 6 august

$ 92 842    $ 1 011

9 august - 29 august

$ 77 368    $ 842
Your Camp

Russia, Alushta, "Golden Fyemeli"

Excellent 4,5 / 5

17 reviews

Your Camp

"Your Camp" is the first multilingual camp in Crimea. We are waiting for all who are interested in learning foreign languages, traditions of different countries and who enjoys the outdoor activities! Classes are conducted by native speakers on a high emotional wave that allows you to achieve ama...

21 june - 4 july

View all shifts
$ 1 088     $ 1 034discount $ 54

21 june - 4 july

$ 95 000    $ 1 034

5 july - 18 july

$ 95 000    $ 1 034

19 july - 1 august

$ 95 000    $ 1 034

2 august - 15 august

$ 95 000    $ 1 034
Zhemchuzhina Rossii

Russia, Anapa, dsok "Zhemchuzhina"

Very good 4,4 / 5

36 reviews

Zhemchuzhina Rossii

Children's sports health camp "Zhemchuzhina Rossii" is located in a natural and climatic zone 100 meters from the sea. Modern medical base is a special pride of the complex, thanks to which the "Zhemchuzhina Rossii" is one of the leaders of children's sanatorium and recreational activiti...

2 june - 22 june

View all shifts
$ 890
After successfull reservation you will receive   900  bonus points

2 june - 22 june

$ 890

2 june - 22 june

$ 959

2 june - 22 june

$ 1 003

24 june - 14 july

$ 924

24 june - 14 july

$ 1 003

24 june - 14 july

$ 1 047

16 july - 5 august

$ 924

16 july - 5 august

$ 1 003

16 july - 5 august

$ 1 047

7 august - 27 august

$ 985

7 august - 27 august

$ 1 027
Children’ s sanatorium center Fresh-Crimea

Russia, Anapa, DOL Zori Anapyi

Very good 4,0 / 5

22 reviews

Children’ s sanatorium center Fresh-Crimea

Fresh-Crimea is not only comfortable training, but also new discoveries in life. You, the born leaders, we offer to challenge the unknown and, of course, to win to conquer mount AI-Petri and learn its secret, to find underground treasures in the depths of Marble caves, to pass the Golden gate to...

2 june - 22 june

View all shifts
$ 801
After successfull reservation you will receive   750  bonus points

2 june - 22 june

$ 801

24 june - 14 july

$ 831

16 july - 5 august

$ 831

7 august - 27 august

$ 801

Russia, Saki, dooo "Art-Kvest"

Excellent 4,6 / 5

17 reviews


Camp "Art-quest" is located on the West coast of the Republic of Crimea, near the city Saki.Camp "Art-quest" is the embodiment and development of the best traditions of Artek! Exciting and unique changes in the form of a quest, creative workshops, art studios, hobby centers and more than 20 clubs.

1 june - 21 june

View all shifts
$ 801     $ 785discount $ 16

1 june - 21 june

$ 69 900    $ 785

24 june - 14 july

$ 69 900    $ 785

17 july - 6 august

$ 69 900    $ 785

9 august - 29 august

$ 69 900    $ 785
Children's Health Camp Energetik

Russia, Anapa, dolst "Yenergetik"

Very good 4,3 / 5

86 reviews

Children's health camp "Energetik" is a bright "star" among the camps of Krasnodar Region. To make it interesting to come back to Energetik again and again, the elements of the program are constantly updated. Organizers complete the group with accompaniment (departure from Moscow).

1 june - 21 june

View all shifts
$ 842     $ 825discount $ 17

1 june - 21 june

$ 73 500    $ 825

24 june - 14 july

$ 73 500    $ 825

17 july - 6 august

$ 73 500    $ 825

9 august - 29 august

$ 73 500    $ 825

Russia, Anapa, Sanatoriy Vita

Very good 4,1 / 5

17 reviews


Camp "Vita" is a sanatorium type camp, it is located on the black sea on the first line. The territory of the camp "Vita" is very beautiful, occupies 16 hectares, completely radio-equipped, separated from the beach by sand dunes and park. Landscaping of the territory is made taking into account ...

1 june - 21 june

View all shifts
$ 854     $ 837discount $ 17

1 june - 21 june

$ 74 550    $ 837

1 june - 21 june

$ 79 800    $ 896

24 june - 14 july

$ 78 550    $ 882

24 june - 14 july

$ 83 800    $ 941

17 july - 6 august

$ 78 550    $ 882

17 july - 6 august

$ 83 800    $ 941

9 august - 29 august

$ 74 550    $ 837

9 august - 29 august

$ 79 800    $ 896

Very good 4,0 / 5

3 reviews

ДОК "Морская Звезда" от туроператора "Центр Аврора"

Лагерь расположен в непосредственной близости от ВДЦ «Орленок». Программа для детей в возрасте от 7 до 15 лет с большим выбором кружков по интересам. Современные комфортабельные корпуса, все номера с удобствами, питание с системой выбора блюд, 4 летние тематические смены по 21 дню. В основе прог...

1 june - 21 june

View all shifts
$ 968     $ 949discount $ 19

1 june - 21 june

$ 84 525    $ 949

24 june - 14 july

$ 91 770    $ 1 030

17 july - 6 august

$ 91 770    $ 1 030

9 august - 29 august

$ 89 355    $ 1 003
International Ice Hockey Camp

Russia, Sochi, "Sochi Park Otel'"

Excellent 4,7 / 5

3 reviews

International Ice Hockey Camp

Отличная возможность провести каникулы с пользой и улучшить свои навыки в хоккее! ХТЦ “Магия Хоккея” и известный хоккейный блогер hockey stigg приглашают всех желающих на зимние хоккейные сборы в г. Сочи! За 9 тренировочных дней вы получите 17 часов льда и 26 часов функциональной подготовки! Мас...

15 june - 24 june

View all shifts
$ 516     $ 490discount $ 26

15 june - 24 june

$ 45 000    $ 490

24 june - 3 july

$ 45 000    $ 490

3 july - 12 july

$ 45 000    $ 490

12 july - 21 july

$ 45 000    $ 490

21 july - 30 july

$ 45 000    $ 490

30 july - 8 august

$ 45 000    $ 490

8 august - 17 august

$ 45 000    $ 490

Russia, Gelendzhik, Al'batros

Good 3,8 / 5

4 reviews


The participation of children in various activities will increase social activity, will give confidence in their abilities and talents. Our goals: teaming up a temporary children's team; creating a positive motivation for activities in camp associations; high-quality, emotional-saturated hea...

1 june - 21 june

View all shifts
$ 848     $ 805discount $ 42

1 june - 21 june

$ 74 000    $ 805

1 june - 21 june

$ 79 000    $ 860

24 june - 14 july

$ 89 000    $ 969

17 july - 6 august

$ 85 000    $ 925

17 july - 6 august

$ 89 000    $ 969

9 august - 29 august

$ 74 000    $ 805

9 august - 29 august

$ 79 000    $ 860
ВоДа Кэмп

Russia, Ol'ginka, P/O stkd "Shahtinskiy tekstil'shchik"

Very good 4,2 / 5

1 review

ВоДа Кэмп

Спорт, творчество или креатив - что выберет ваш ребенок на смене? Программа "Вода Кэмп" позволяет детям из разных стран и регионов заниматься водными видами спорта под руководством опытных наставников. В рамках программы ребята могут попробовать себя в плавании, водном поло, синхронном...

24 june - 14 july

View all shifts
$ 1 224     $ 1 162discount $ 61

24 june - 14 july

$ 106 800    $ 1 162

17 july - 6 august

$ 106 800    $ 1 162
Children’s sports health camp "Flamingo"

Russia, Temryuk, dsol "Flamingo"

Very good 4,1 / 5

20 reviews

Children’s sports health camp "Flamingo"

Flamingo activities focuses on relaxation, health improvement and health resort treatment of children. The whole period of children's stay in the camp is filled with entertainment, educational, sports activities. At the same time more than 400 people can rest, the age of children from 7 to 1...

1 june - 21 june

View all shifts
$ 722     $ 686discount $ 36

1 june - 21 june

$ 63 000    $ 686

1 june - 22 october

$ 67 200    $ 731

1 june - 21 june

$ 71 400    $ 777

24 june - 14 july

$ 63 000    $ 686

24 june - 14 july

$ 67 200    $ 731

17 july - 6 august

$ 63 000    $ 686

17 july - 6 august

$ 67 200    $ 731

17 july - 6 august

$ 71 400    $ 777

9 august - 29 august

$ 63 000    $ 686

9 august - 29 august

$ 67 200    $ 731
SportZania Cочи

Russia, Sochi, Barhatnyie sezonyi

Хотите устроить ребенку интересный и развивающий отдых на Черном море? Это легко сделать в премиальном языковом лагере SportZania в Сочи. Почему это отличный выбор:  Английский с топовыми иностранными педагогами Трендовые сюжеты программ без повторов Внимание физическому разви...

16 june - 29 june

View all shifts
$ 1 660
After successfull reservation you will receive   1000  bonus points

16 june - 29 june

$ 1 660

30 june - 13 july

$ 1 660

14 july - 27 july

$ 1 546

28 july - 10 august

$ 1 546
Make reservation in category "Camps by the sea in Russia for children 7 - 14 years old" to the camps for children with a discount or bonus at incamp.me. Free reservation and cancellation! Select the best camp in Russia with our rating of camps. Compare price and genuine parents reviews about the camps.