Спортивная программа для любителей лошадей, включающая обучение верховой езде и специализацию для всадников разного уровня подготовки (даже с нуля): общая верховая езда, конкур, выездка, джигитовка. Дополнительно доступна программа " Дружба с лошадью", которая включает работу в руках, дрессуру, ...
The program of the camp Hesm Savage island is dedicated to life in the wild, the development of independence and responsibility. First of all, it is an opportunity not only to relax, but also to test you. In Hesm Island camp, the child will be able to create a team, understand his role in it, and...
Make reservation in category "Camps in Владимирской области for children from 8 years old and youth from 18 to 20 years old" to the camps for children with a discount or bonus at incamp.me. Free reservation and cancellation! Select the best camp in the region Владимирская область with our rating of camps. Compare price and genuine parents reviews about the camps.