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Spring thematic camps for children 7 years for march

Camps with places on the map

Found 27 children's camps

 Druzhite.ru. Stormwind “

Russia, Moskva, BO "Mirnyiy"

Excellent 4,6 / 5

14 reviews

Children's camp “Druzhite.ru. Stormwind “ works to ensure that children's rest was bright and memorable. Creativity is the most important component of our programs. Leisure should be not only pleasant, but also useful, just as education should bring joy from the process of mastering new ...

23 march - 29 march

$ 382     $ 363discount $ 19

23 march - 29 march

$ 39 900    $ 363

Russia, Moskva, Next Camp v "Zelenom gorodke"

Excellent 4,7 / 5

174 reviews

In the "NEXT CAMP", your children will enjoy programs developed by our experienced staff, full of interesting cultural and entertainment events, master classes, clubs, quests, educational and sports events, quizzes, contests and surprises! In addition to the" traditional "shifts, we also regular...

24 march - 31 march

View all shifts
$ 352     $ 335discount $ 18

24 march - 31 march

$ 36 800    $ 335

24 march - 31 march

$ 36 800    $ 335
Strana OZ

Russia, Moskva, Park-otel' "Olimp"

Excellent 4,9 / 5

54 reviews

Summer camp for children in the Moscow region "Oz" — is located in an ecologically clean Istra district and also has a well-designed program for children of all ages and a professional team of camp leades! The plenty of positive emotions, new friends and joyful events during the children's h...

29 march - 5 april

$ 316
After successfull reservation you will receive   1000  bonus points

29 march - 5 april

$ 316
ДОЛ "Дружба" в Валуево

Russia, Moskva, DOL "Druzhba"

Excellent 4,8 / 5

8 reviews

​Детский лагерь "Дружба" расположен в Новой Москве, в красивейшем и живописном месте, в 10 км от МКАД на юго-западе Москвы. Здесь дети окунутся в волшебную атмосферу активного отдыха , где каждый день наполнен различными мероприятиями: спортивные игры, тематические квесты, танцевальные и вока...

24 march - 30 march

$ 268
After successfull reservation you will receive   1000  bonus points

24 march - 30 march

$ 268

Russia, Moskva, Lager' Yolka

Excellent 4,8 / 5

227 reviews

The organizers of the children's camp "Yolka" make not just fun, but also educational sessions for children. Science is a way of life and the camp team works daily on several educational programs for children from 7 to 16 years. On the territory of the camp, each child has access to two mode...

23 march - 29 march

$ 372     $ 354discount $ 19

23 march - 29 march

$ 38 900    $ 354

Russia, pgt.Tuchkovo, OOTs "PATRIOT"

Excellent 4,9 / 5

9 reviews

Our efforts are aimed at cultivating creative and talented person, who loves his relatives and friends, his nearest, and motherland of course. To achieve this goal, it is necessary both to provide knowledge and skills that will contribute to the formation of appropriate ideals, principles and ou...

23 march - 29 march

$ 410     $ 389discount $ 20

23 march - 29 march

$ 42 800    $ 389
Vympel-Shtorm. Arctic

Russia, Tver', Sotsial'no ozdorovitel'nyiy tsentr "Muhino"

Excellent 4,9 / 5

21 reviews

Тактическая и огневая подготовки, выживание в сложных условиях, альпинизм. Проект включает в себя укрепление здоровья, регулярные занятия спортом и вневойсковой подготовкой. В основе программы - принципы патриотического и духовно-нравственного воспитания. В стоимость программы также включены камуфляж, посещение бассейна и лазертаг.

15 march - 21 march

View all shifts
$ 333     $ 316discount $ 17

15 march - 21 march

$ 34 800    $ 316

22 march - 28 march

$ 34 800    $ 316

Russia, Istra, TsO "Komanda", gbpou "Vorob'yovyi goryi"

Excellent 4,9 / 5

58 reviews

Vodoley camp - camp, where there is an atmosphere of sincerity, mutual understanding and creativity. Each session - a new program. Invited guests: musicians, artists, psychologists. Only contact with real talent and professionalism carries away and charges with interest and desire to try! In add...

22 march - 25 march

$ 148     $ 141discount $ 7

22 march - 25 march

$ 15 500    $ 141
Russian chess school. Online

Qatar, Doha, Rixos Premium Qetaifan Island North 5*

Excellent 5,0 / 5

1 review

Participants will comprehend chess mastery, as well as participate in exciting communicative games and quests, master classes. Together with psychologists at Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov’s children will develop the skills necessary for a person of the present and a person of the futur...

23 march - 30 march

$ 1 895
After successfull reservation you will receive   1000  bonus points

23 march - 30 march

$ 1 895
 Intellectual camp. Russian chess school

Russia, Moskva, Kurort Amaks "Novaya Istra"

Excellent 4,9 / 5

9 reviews

Children's intellectual camp is a unique formof children's development. Every month on the territory of one of the best sports and recreation centers of the Moscow region for a few hours the guys master the wisdom of the ancient game of chess. The classes are organized under the directio...

7 march - 9 march

$ 211     $ 200discount $ 11

7 march - 9 march

$ 22 000    $ 200
Zhivaya legenda

Russia, Zvenigorod, pansionat "Solnechnaya Polyana"

Excellent 4,8 / 5

138 reviews

The program of children and family recreation "Zhivaya legenda" is designed for children from 7 to 17 years. In the adventure program children are waiting for busy days, sports, creativity, intellectual and cultural development. The task of the organizers is to bring up in children the love of k...

23 march - 29 march

$ 321     $ 305discount $ 16

23 march - 29 march

$ 33 500    $ 305
Living Legend. Play english

Russia, Zvenigorod, Pansionat "Solnechnaya Polyana"

Excellent 4,5 / 5

3 reviews

The program includes all the main sections of the Living Legend camp and a new block of gaming English. We, as before, will shoot with a bow and pistol, play board games, communicate with each other, but only with the laid-back use of English. Age of program participants: 8+ Basic knowledge of E...

23 march - 29 march

$ 321     $ 305discount $ 16

23 march - 29 march

$ 33 500    $ 305
Benedict English Booster

Russia, Sankt-Peterburg, DSOL "Leningradets"

Excellent 4,8 / 5

23 reviews

The Benedict school presents the Benedict English Booster language camp - it's fun, informative and always "with English". English classes are held in the form of a game that allows children to learn the language easily and naturally. Teachers care about how to inspire and develop the creati...

22 march - 30 march

View all shifts
$ 285     $ 277discount $ 9

22 march - 30 march

$ 29 800    $ 277

22 march - 30 march

$ 40 400    $ 375
SHARE "City of Detinets". Robograd

Russia, Sankt-Peterburg, DOL "Grad Detinets"

Excellent 4,8 / 5

27 reviews

For the first time in the "City of Detinets" will be the Robo-Olympic Games! DOL “Grad Detinets” is located in the “Semiozerye” area. The concept of the camp combines such a content of a reverent attitude to the upbringing of children, their physical form and leisure. This is a children's va...

22 march - 30 march

View all shifts
$ 226     $ 214discount $ 11

22 march - 30 march

$ 23 580    $ 214

22 march - 30 march

$ 34 800    $ 316
English club PRO

Russia, Moskva, pansionat "Zvenigorodskiy"

Excellent 4,5 / 5

4 reviews

The English club celebrates 20 th anniversary! English classes 2 times a day. In the program life under the Constitution, which was invented by children and counselors, as well as role-playing, quest, paramilitary games, cool shows on stage and discos every other day. A minimum of 2 games and 1 ...

29 march - 5 april

$ 310     $ 295discount $ 16

29 march - 5 april

$ 32 400    $ 295

Russia, Sankt-Peterburg, baza otdyiha "Silandye"

Excellent 4,8 / 5

2 reviews

Команда «Актив» разработали программу, которая через погружение в тематику смены помогает детям развить навыки, необходимые для достижения успеха в школе и жизни. Ребята, принимая участие в квестах, играх, мастер-классах и других активностях, учатся работать в команде, общаться, договариваться, ...

23 january - 28 march

$ 267     $ 254discount $ 13

23 january - 28 march

$ 27 900    $ 254

Russia, Samara, TOK "Zvezdnyiy"

Excellent 5,0 / 5

3 reviews

«Мозаика» - проект, объединяющий несколько творческих программ для детей. Авторские программы, охватывающие самые популярные увлечения – танцы, спорт, музыку, моду, дизайн, театральное искусство, кинематограф и т.д., - позволят ребенку провести весенние, осенние, зимние или летние каникулы вес...

23 march - 29 march

$ 223     $ 212discount $ 11

23 march - 29 march

$ 23 300    $ 212
Happy Day

Russia, Sankt-Peterburg, DOL "Svyazist"

Very good 4,3 / 5

33 reviews

Happy Day

Children's development camp Happy Day is a new creative project in the field of children's recreation. The program of developing rest and productive leisure Steps to Perfection developed by the authors of the project is the basis of activity. The development of relations is the main purp...

23 march - 30 march

$ 383     $ 364discount $ 19

23 march - 30 march

$ 40 000    $ 364
Komandor Camp. Equestrian Camp

Russia, g. Tarusa, Otrada

Excellent 4,5 / 5

24 reviews

Komandor Camp. Equestrian Camp

Equestrian camp is a journey to the horse farm and daily horse riding. The camp program is designed for children who do not know how to ride, as well as for those who are already engaged in horse riding for years. Our instructors will make you first-class riders and teach you how to properly car...

23 march - 29 march

$ 383
After successfull reservation you will receive   1000  bonus points

23 march - 29 march

$ 383
Komandor Camp. Scientific Camp

Russia, Tarusa, Otrada

Very good 4,4 / 5

7 reviews

Komandor Camp. Scientific Camp

Scientific camp is experiments, interesting classes under the guidance of the best graduates and students of MSU. Each shift of the scientific camp is devoted to its narrow and interesting topics. You will be able to get acquainted with the experiments on robotics or to expand your knowledge in ...

23 march - 29 march

$ 354
After successfull reservation you will receive   1000  bonus points

23 march - 29 march

$ 354
Детская Республика "Поленово"

Russia, Tula, DOL "Detskaya Respublika Polenovo"

Excellent 4,6 / 5

5 reviews

Детская Республика "Поленово"

Детская Республика "Поленово" - это небольшой мир, созданный взрослыми, но в котором правят дети. Здесь всё подчинено детям! Игровые площадки, удобные корпуса, сказочные домики для кружков, бассейн, баскетбольная площадка, футбольное, волейбольное и бадминтонное поля позволяют ребятам активно и ...

31 march - 6 april

$ 248     $ 236discount $ 12

31 march - 6 april

$ 25 900    $ 236
Городские каникулы (Сокольники)

Russia, Moskva, Sokol'niki, ul. Bol'shaya Tihonovskaya d. 18 str. 1

Excellent 4,6 / 5

2 reviews

Городские каникулы (Сокольники)

Английский хобби клуб дневного пребывания "Городские каникулы" на базе Академической гимназии в Сокольниках позаботится о Вашем спокойствии в течение рабочего дня и наполнит каникулы яркими эмоциями и знаниями. В клубе уделяется внимание на развитие soft skills: коммуникация, работа в ком...

24 march - 28 march

$ 263     $ 250discount $ 13

24 march - 28 march

$ 27 500    $ 250

Russia, Samara, DOL Salyut


На программе языкового лагеря Englishburgh ребята проведут вечера в кругу друзей. Будут учить английский язык, общаться с носителем языка, играть в лазертаг. Душевные посиделки, крутые вечеринки, интригующие расследования — это то, что будет ждать каждого гостя.

23 march - 30 march

$ 268
After successfull reservation you will receive   700  bonus points

23 march - 30 march

$ 268
Клуб Альфа 78

Russia, Sankt-Peterburg, baza otdyiha "Onega"

Клуб Альфа 78

Смена в каникулы на живописной базе отдыха Онега пос. Васкелово со всеми бытовыми удобствами и современными спортивными площадками. Развлекательный патриотический квест- игра на каникулы "48 часов до рассвета ". На этой программе ребенок станет сильным, будет побеждать и захочет вернуться. Пройд...

24 march - 30 march

$ 383     $ 364discount $ 19

24 march - 30 march

$ 40 000    $ 364

Russia, Ruza, baza "Ozernyiy"


"Элинор" - это ролевой детский лагерь со множеством вселенных внутри себя. Вне лагерных смен очень не хватает волшебной атмосферы, которая царит в лагере, поэтому родилась эта группа. На программе ребята получают всестороннее развитие через погружение в сценарии ролевых игр. Дети причастн...

24 march - 30 march

$ 374     $ 356discount $ 19

24 march - 30 march

$ 39 100    $ 356
Адаин Ло

Russia, Sankt-Peterburg, DOL "Adain Lo"

Адаин Ло

Программа Адаин Ло проводится с уважением к еврейской традиции, но не является религиозной. На программе раскрываются детям важные страницы еврейской истории и культуры через игры и творчество. Смены не повторяются и погружают участников в новые интересные темы и активности. Создается принимаю...

24 march - 30 march

View all shifts
$ 199     $ 189discount $ 10

24 march - 30 march

$ 20 825    $ 189

24 march - 30 march

$ 23 625    $ 215

24 march - 30 march

$ 29 116    $ 265

24 march - 30 march

$ 31 916    $ 290
Городской Клуб IQ007

Russia, g. Moskva, ul. Rokotova 10k2

Детский "Городской Клуб IQ007" - место, где каждый ребенок проводит каникулы с пользой/ Ваш ребёнок: прокачает английский язык разовьет навыки Soft Skills (командной работы, коммуникации, критического мышления) попробует новые хобби (актерское мастерство, режиссура) р...

24 march - 28 march

$ 129     $ 123discount $ 6

24 march - 28 march

$ 13 480    $ 123
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