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Camps for talented childrens in Russia for children 7 years

Camps with places on the map

Found 2 children's camps


Russia, pgt.Tuchkovo, OOTs "PATRIOT"

Excellent 4,9 / 5

10 reviews

Our efforts are aimed at cultivating creative and talented person, who loves his relatives and friends, his nearest, and motherland of course. To achieve this goal, it is necessary both to provide knowledge and skills that will contribute to the formation of appropriate ideals, principles and ou...

6 april - 12 april

View all shifts
$ 498     $ 473discount $ 25

6 april - 12 april

$ 42 800    $ 473

24 june - 7 july

$ 76 200    $ 843

9 july - 22 july

$ 76 200    $ 843

25 july - 7 august

$ 76 200    $ 843

10 august - 23 august

$ 76 200    $ 843
Vympel-Shtorm. Arctic

Russia, Tver', Sotsial'no ozdorovitel'nyiy tsentr "Muhino"

Excellent 4,9 / 5

21 reviews

Тактическая и огневая подготовки, выживание в сложных условиях, альпинизм. Проект включает в себя укрепление здоровья, регулярные занятия спортом и вневойсковой подготовкой. В основе программы - принципы патриотического и духовно-нравственного воспитания. В стоимость программы также включены камуфляж, посещение бассейна и лазертаг.

5 april - 11 april

View all shifts
$ 405     $ 385discount $ 20

5 april - 11 april

$ 34 800    $ 385

2 june - 15 june

$ 66 200    $ 732

18 june - 1 july

$ 66 200    $ 732

5 july - 18 july

$ 66 200    $ 732

22 july - 4 august

$ 66 200    $ 732

8 august - 21 august

$ 66 200    $ 732

24 august - 30 august

$ 34 800    $ 385
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