Found 52 children's camps
«Сибберри клуб» — это больше, чем просто детский лагерь. Это место, где каждое мгновение наполнено радостью, вдохновением и новыми открытиями. Ваш ребенок будет каждый день просыпаться в уютном просторном номере, где комфорт сочетается с современным дизайном. Множество уличных развлечений: летн...
Health recreation for children and adolescents in the camp "Euroclub". Summer, autumn, winter holidays 2019-2020, Istra district, Novorizhskoe highway. Permanent staff of teachers, cheerful team of counselors, excellent living conditions, gym and swimming pool. The program of the camp was approv...
Программа проводится с 2009 года на базах подмосковных лагерей. Девиз лагеря – "дети всегда должны быть заняты!" Жизнь в лагере кипит: подготовки к концертам, репетиции, игры, квесты, студии, мастер-классы, олимпиада по 15 видам, походы и многое другое. Проведя в лагере смену, ребята хотят возвр...
В Штормграде ребята становятся героями фантастических историй и отправляются в эпическое путешествие с массовыми битвами, собраниями многочисленных фракций и штурмами крепостей. Здесь дети могут стать кем-угодно: от ремесленника до воина, от торговца до политика и овладеть такими навыками, как работа с кожей, кузнечное дело, фехтование, стрельба из лука, выживание в лесу и т.д.
"Emoji Camp" — это лагерь для взрослых детей. Лагерь, где старшеклассники с пользой проведут каникулы и выходные. В программе лагеря для старшеклассников: увлекательные игры, квесты и викторины, возможность полной творческой и лидерской реализации подростков, психологические упражнения ...
In the "NEXT CAMP", your children will enjoy programs developed by our experienced staff, full of interesting cultural and entertainment events, master classes, clubs, quests, educational and sports events, quizzes, contests and surprises! In addition to the" traditional "shifts, we also regular...
Children's camp Blue bird is: full rest of the child after a hard school year; obtaining new knowledge to expand the child's horizons; new interesting acquaintances; a wonderful summer vacation; the opportunity to learn new things in a relaxed atmosphere; talent development; adaptation i...
Adventure Lab is a project whose participants become the heroes of a real adventure. With us, each child can create his own hero, complete tasks and quests, but he does it not at the computer, but in real life. For ourselves, we set 2 main tasks. The first is to teach the child new skills, for e...
Vodoley camp - camp, where there is an atmosphere of sincerity, mutual understanding and creativity. Each session - a new program. Invited guests: musicians, artists, psychologists. Only contact with real talent and professionalism carries away and charges with interest and desire to try! In add...
"Haglar" is a recreation program for children aged 7-17 years with learning English. There is a professional approach to the organization of educational, developmental and entertainment programs. "Haglar" has earned the trust of 5,000 parents. 75% of customers come back to us again and again, an...
The program of children and family recreation "Zhivaya legenda" is designed for children from 7 to 17 years. In the adventure program children are waiting for busy days, sports, creativity, intellectual and cultural development. The task of the organizers is to bring up in children the love of k...
Weekend camp - это прекрасная возможность провести выходные в свое удовольствие, пока все лучшее вашим детям дают наши наставники. Для каждого ребенка мы создали премиальный языковой лагерь SportZania! Хотите устроить ребенку интересный и развивающий отдых в Подмосковье? Это легко сде...
7 march - 9 march
View all shiftsХотите устроить ребенку интересный и развивающий отдых в Подмосковье? Это легко сделать в премиальном языковом лагере SportZania на берегу реки Малая Истра! SportZania помогает родителям в воспитании и поддерживаем ребенка на всем пути его развития и становления как личности. Развивает гибк...
7 march - 9 march
View all shiftsThe largest camp in the Moscow region (up to 1,200 children), the winner of the camps review competitions of the last 5 years, the repeated winner of the programs competition, is in the top 5 camps of the Moscow region, the top 20 camps of Russia, the age of children is from 6 to 17 years, three...
The extreme program "Brave heart" is an active rest, live communication, moving forward and getting new skills. The organizers guarantee a rich, full of vivid impressions and exciting adventures vacation. In the cozy autumn camp your child will enjoy: scuba diving, archery and crossbow, high-alt...
The Benedict school presents the Benedict English Booster language camp - it's fun, informative and always "with English". English classes are held in the form of a game that allows children to learn the language easily and naturally. Teachers care about how to inspire and develop the creati...
“City of Masters” is an international camp in the Leningrad region, trusted by children and parents of 14 countries. Children are taught useful skills specialties: a drone pilot, musician, reporter, chef, photographer, medic, wizard, repair, hub, community, woodsman, navigator... already 18 spec...
All sessions in the camp "Ariadne's Thread" have game direction. Children are immersed in a fantastic reality, become characters of the fairy-tale world and follow certain rules. The guys transform into heroes of their favorite works and fulfill their mission. Each program is a new story, so...
Программа «Академия Успеха» стремится дополнить дом и школу, предоставив детям веселую и безопасную среду для социального, умственного и физического развития. Это море ярких эмоций, много новых друзей, всегда новые знания. В каникулы ребята займутся: активным отдыхом и оздоровлением, при...
The English club celebrates 20 th anniversary! English classes 2 times a day. In the program life under the Constitution, which was invented by children and counselors, as well as role-playing, quest, paramilitary games, cool shows on stage and discos every other day. A minimum of 2 games and 1 ...
The ability to take and bear responsibility, as well as the ability to solve problems on their own are the key qualities of every modern person. Without these qualities, it is almost impossible to succeed in any sphere of life. It is very important that responsibility and independence are develo...
E-Camp Italy is a great opportunity to develop your skills in English, to train them in an international language environment and to relax on the sandy beaches of the warm Adriatic sea. For the past 8 years, every August E-Camp organizes an exciting journey through the beautiful Italy for childr...
23 march - 29 march
View all shiftsThe camp for TV presenters and video bloggers "Telemore" is the official camp of the channel HelloRussia TV. The organizers are heldg it every year since 2012. In 2019 - accommodation in apart-hotel "Gorki Gorod", on Krasnaya Polyana, in Sochi. Every day children will take pictures, organize mas...
This unique camp is specialized in teaching children mountain skiing and snowboarding - in winter, with the best coaches in the best conditions. And also a rich entertainment program in your free time!
Children's health camp "Cosmonaut 2" is located in an ecologically clean area of the Karelian isthmus (12 km from the Melnikovo village), on the shore of the Cherished lake. The most beautiful place where the springs have crystal water, where you can swim in the lakes, and around only natura...
22 march - 30 march
View all shiftsA new project from specialists with great experience, which carefully combined the heritage of the past and the best modern ideas. Without gadgets and boredom – a place where children can be children, experience real adventures, find real friends, join the sport and creativity. Children will go ...
«Мозаика» - проект, объединяющий несколько творческих программ для детей. Авторские программы, охватывающие самые популярные увлечения – танцы, спорт, музыку, моду, дизайн, театральное искусство, кинематограф и т.д., - позволят ребенку провести весенние, осенние, зимние или летние каникулы вес...
«Время дела» - профориентационный лагерь для детей от 7 до 17 лет. Летом смены проводятся на Черноморском побережье, а в межсезонье - в Ленинградской области. Развиваем профессиональные компетенции отдыхающих под чутким руководством специалистов в сфере деятельности. На сменах предусмотр...
"Deja vu" - место теплых встреч. Это творческое пространство, в котором атмосфера дружбы, творчества. Мы понимаем психологию подростков и направляем их потенциал на разностороннее развитие и готовность к действию. Здесь найдется место каждому подростку. Смены состоят из программ: "4 сезона...
Children's development camp Happy Day is a new creative project in the field of children's recreation. The program of developing rest and productive leisure Steps to Perfection developed by the authors of the project is the basis of activity. The development of relations is the main purp...