Found 15 children's camps
Health recreation for children and adolescents in the camp "Euroclub". Summer, autumn, winter holidays 2019-2020, Istra district, Novorizhskoe highway. Permanent staff of teachers, cheerful team of counselors, excellent living conditions, gym and swimming pool. The program of the camp was approv...
Программа проводится с 2009 года на базах подмосковных лагерей. Девиз лагеря – "дети всегда должны быть заняты!" Жизнь в лагере кипит: подготовки к концертам, репетиции, игры, квесты, студии, мастер-классы, олимпиада по 15 видам, походы и многое другое. Проведя в лагере смену, ребята хотят возвр...
In the "NEXT CAMP", your children will enjoy programs developed by our experienced staff, full of interesting cultural and entertainment events, master classes, clubs, quests, educational and sports events, quizzes, contests and surprises! In addition to the" traditional "shifts, we also regular...
The organizers of the children's camp "Yolka" make not just fun, but also educational sessions for children. Science is a way of life and the camp team works daily on several educational programs for children from 7 to 16 years. On the territory of the camp, each child has access to two mode...
Our efforts are aimed at cultivating creative and talented person, who loves his relatives and friends, his nearest, and motherland of course. To achieve this goal, it is necessary both to provide knowledge and skills that will contribute to the formation of appropriate ideals, principles and ou...
If you want your child to have a good rest, improve his / her health, improve English, join the basics of the Orthodox faith and come back with bright impressions, then we are waiting for you in the Orthodox language camp. Every child is surrounded by love, attention and care.
The extreme program "Brave heart" is an active rest, live communication, moving forward and getting new skills. The organizers guarantee a rich, full of vivid impressions and exciting adventures vacation. In the cozy autumn camp your child will enjoy: scuba diving, archery and crossbow, high-alt...
Children's camp "Happy faces" are happy faces of children who visited one of our children's camps in the Moscow region during the holidays and found many new friends there. These are thematic sessions, an individual approach to each child and a cozy, family atmosphere.
Children's camp "Happy faces" are happy faces of children who visited one of our children's camps in the Moscow region during the holidays and found many new friends there. These are thematic sessions, an individual approach to each child and a cozy, family atmosphere.
Equestrian camp is a journey to the horse farm and daily horse riding. The camp program is designed for children who do not know how to ride, as well as for those who are already engaged in horse riding for years. Our instructors will make you first-class riders and teach you how to properly car...
Детская Республика "Поленово" - это небольшой мир, созданный взрослыми, но в котором правят дети. Здесь всё подчинено детям! Игровые площадки, удобные корпуса, сказочные домики для кружков, бассейн, баскетбольная площадка, футбольное, волейбольное и бадминтонное поля позволяют ребятам активно и ...
For the first time in Russia ”Skill Camp" is implemented a horse program in the format of a children's holiday camp. Our experience was so successful that now it is a whole direction in the camp movement of Russia. This program is about effective communication with people and animals. The pr...
Раскройте новые горизонты для вашего ребенка в детском лагере «Счастливые лица»! Посещение лагеря обещает стать путешествием к новым знаниям, дружбе и авантюрам! Мы предлагаем захватывающие программы, которые развивают лидерские качества и командный дух, учат работе в группе и самостоятельности....
Почему стоит поехать? Озеро Велье — это не просто красивая картинка, а настоящее место силы, где нетронутая природа обнимает вас своей свежестью и спокойствием. Погружение в природу поможет восстановить силы и настроиться на позитивный лад перед последними учебными вызовами. «Робинзо...
Программа ДПЛ смены выходного дня «Kotlin Kids Camp» - это результат многолетнего приобретённого опыта круглосуточной работы с разными детьми. В наших сменах уже участвовали тысячи детей, вырастают целые поколения. К каждому ребёнку мы стараемся найти подход, открыть его лучшие стороны. Ребёно...