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Out of town camps with learning english for children 7 years

Camps with places on the map

Found 89 children's camps

Зелёные каникулы. Английские каникулы

Английские каникулы - детский лагерь, где каждый ребёнок найдёт себя! Множество мероприятий, занятия по языку и культуре англоговорящих стран, дружная атмосфера - всё это вы найдёте в нашем лагере! Уникальность смены: Изучение английского языка через авторскую методику Generation Z...

2 january - 8 january

$ 229
After successfull reservation you will receive   837  bonus points

2 january - 8 january

$ 229
Nota Bene Camp

Russia, Vladimir, Park-otel' "Sosnovyiy Bor"

Nota Bene Camp

«Nota Bene» - это высококвалифицированные специалисты, педагоги, психологи, прошедшие педагогическую школу вместе с детьми в разных регионах России и за рубежом. В каждой смене работает спортинструктор, хореограф, мастера творческих студий, организуются увлекательные занятия английским языком...

2 january - 8 january

$ 447     $ 425discount $ 22

2 january - 8 january

$ 46 700    $ 425

Russia, Moskva, "Krasnaya Gvozdika"

Excellent 4,8 / 5

149 reviews

Health recreation for children and adolescents in the camp "Euroclub". Summer, autumn, winter holidays 2019-2020, Istra district, Novorizhskoe highway. Permanent staff of teachers, cheerful team of counselors, excellent living conditions, gym and swimming pool. The program of the camp was approv...

16 february - 22 february

View all shifts
$ 450     $ 437discount $ 14

16 february - 22 february

$ 47 000    $ 437

23 march - 29 march

$ 47 000    $ 437

30 march - 5 april

$ 47 000    $ 437

6 april - 12 april

$ 47 000    $ 437

Russia, Moskva, DOL Zelenyiy gorodok

Excellent 5,0 / 5

2 reviews

Программа "FillCamp" для детей 7-17 лет строится на погружении в языковую среду с преподавателями-носителями английского и китайского языка. Детей сопровождают наставники-носители и русскоговорящие . Предоставляется возможность выбора изучения только английского или совмещение английского и ...

16 february - 22 february

View all shifts
$ 364     $ 346discount $ 18

16 february - 22 february

$ 37 990    $ 346

22 february - 24 february

$ 13 990    $ 127

23 march - 29 march

$ 37 990    $ 346

6 april - 12 april

$ 37 990    $ 346
English club PRO

Russia, Moskva, pansionat "Zvenigorodskiy"

Excellent 4,5 / 5

4 reviews

The English club celebrates 20 th anniversary! English classes 2 times a day. In the program life under the Constitution, which was invented by children and counselors, as well as role-playing, quest, paramilitary games, cool shows on stage and discos every other day. A minimum of 2 games and 1 ...

20 february - 23 february

View all shifts
$ 170     $ 161discount $ 8

20 february - 23 february

$ 17 700    $ 161

29 march - 5 april

$ 32 400    $ 295

8 may - 11 may

$ 19 700    $ 179

Russia, Irkutsk, yetno – otel' 3*


мультиязычный клуб «multi camp» Зимние каникулы 2025г « Family ice trip » Байкал 2025г. Всеми любимы бестceллер! Озеро Байкал - тектонического происхождения в южной части Восточной Сибири площадью 31 722 км², самое глубокое озеро на планете, крупнейший природный резе...

8 february - 14 february

View all shifts
$ 569     $ 540discount $ 28

8 february - 14 february

$ 59 380    $ 540

8 february - 14 february

$ 68 000    $ 619
Мир игр. Шахматный лагерь в Дубае

United Arab Emirates, Dubay, Sheraton Jumeirah Beach Resort 5*

Excellent 5,0 / 5

3 reviews

Шахматный лагерь на побережье Дубая - формат, сочетающий в себе шахматные занятия от лучших тренеров Русской Шахматной Школы и приятный отдых на берегу Персидского залива. В рамках программы смен "Русской шахматной школы" дети попадают в такие условия, где занятия шахматами перестают бы...

23 march - 30 march

View all shifts
$ 1 897     $ 1 802discount $ 95

23 march - 30 march

$ 198 000    $ 1 802

6 april - 13 april

$ 198 000    $ 1 802

Russia, Samara, DOL Salyut


На программе языкового лагеря Englishburgh  ребята  прроведут осенние вечера в кругу друзей. Будут учить английский язык, общаться с носителем языка, играть в лазертаг. Душевные посиделки, крутые вечеринки, интригующие расследования — это то, что будет ждать каждого гостя.

23 march - 30 march

$ 268
After successfull reservation you will receive   700  bonus points

23 march - 30 march

$ 268
Embassy Alliance. E-CAMP Dubai

United Arab Emirates, Dubay, KSK homes (Academ city)

Embassy Alliance. E-CAMP Dubai

“E-camps dubai” - это программа, которая включает 32 часа практики разговорного английского, а также дает полное погружение в англоязычную среду и атмосферу новых технологий. Инновационный лагерь, который полностью перевернет представление участников о будущем, покажет лучшие инновации Дубая и н...

23 march - 1 april

$ 2 738
After successfull reservation you will receive   73  bonus points

23 march - 1 april

$ 2 738

Excellent 4,6 / 5

20 reviews

StudyCamp. Weekend with the native speakers in Moscow suburbs

On the basis of the active hotel "Iskra" in an ecologically clean natural area native speakers (teachers of prestigious language centers of the UK, Ireland, USA) and creative counselors will hold lessons, workshops and quests in English in the format of "training with immersion". Participants wi...

6 april - 12 april

$ 405     $ 385discount $ 20

6 april - 12 april

$ 42 300    $ 385

Russia, Moskva, park-otel' "Pokrovskoe", territoriya "Tsarskiy Les"

Excellent 4,7 / 5

39 reviews

"Rekaleto" is held in a cozy, well-heated cottages on the territory of the holiday Home with excellent infrastructure. Every minute of the author's program is occupied with spoken English, classes with teachers, interesting quests in English, sports and creative ideas. The guys compete in te...

8 june - 21 june

View all shifts
$ 764     $ 726discount $ 38

8 june - 21 june

$ 79 800    $ 726

22 june - 5 july

$ 79 800    $ 726

6 july - 19 july

$ 84 000    $ 764

20 july - 2 august

$ 84 000    $ 764

3 august - 16 august

$ 79 800    $ 726

17 august - 30 august

$ 79 800    $ 726

Russia, pos. Peschanoe, mdmts "I&Camp"

Excellent 4,6 / 5

61 reviews

Лагерь в стиле вау. Эмоциональный отдых, наполненный ярким досугом: студия аквагрима, пирографии, песочной анимации, занятия в пресс-центре , ночные квесты, релаксация в современном SPA-центре, зажигательная zumba, капоэйра, клуб китайской культуры — все это вас ждет в лагере сети Terra Unique, которая является одним из лидером по детскому отдыху на побережье Черного моря.

31 may - 20 june

View all shifts
$ 1 264     $ 1 200discount $ 63

31 may - 20 june

$ 131 900    $ 1 200

4 june - 20 june

$ 125 500    $ 1 142

21 june - 7 july

$ 131 900    $ 1 200

8 july - 24 july

$ 137 500    $ 1 251

25 july - 10 august

$ 137 500    $ 1 251

11 august - 27 august

$ 131 900    $ 1 200

11 august - 31 august

$ 137 500    $ 1 251

Russia, Sochi, OOTs Ilona

Very good 4,3 / 5

71 reviews

"VTOCHKU!"- creative and linguistic camp at the sea with a rich entertainment program and learning English. The camp is located in an ecologically clean area the first coastline with its own equipped beach and swimming pool. Our program helps to improve English, increase creativity, physical tra...

10 june - 24 june

View all shifts
$ 857     $ 814discount $ 43

10 june - 24 june

$ 89 500    $ 814

27 june - 11 july

$ 89 500    $ 814

13 july - 27 july

$ 89 500    $ 814

29 july - 12 august

$ 89 500    $ 814

14 august - 28 august

$ 89 500    $ 814
Active Lingua Camp

Russia, Moskva, DOL Druzhba (Valuevo)

Excellent 5,0 / 5

5 reviews

Active Lingua Camp

ALCamp — это отличный шанс попробовать себя в новом деле, завести друзей с разных концов света, попрактиковать английский и выйти на новый уровень знания языка. ALСamp даёт мотивацию и старт для поступления в международные школы. ALСamp — это запоминающиеся каникулы со спортивным...

18 june - 1 july

View all shifts
$ 814
After successfull reservation you will receive   1000  bonus points

18 june - 1 july

$ 814

3 july - 16 july

$ 814

18 july - 31 july

$ 814
Your Camp

Russia, Sochi, Kompleks otdyiha "Belarus'" Upravleniya delami Prezidenta respubliki Belarus'

Excellent 4,5 / 5

6 reviews

Your Camp

Multilingual camp "Your Camp" is open to all who are interested in learning foreign languages, traditions of different countries and who enjoys outdoor activities!

14 june - 28 june

View all shifts
$ 1 197
After successfull reservation you will receive   1000  bonus points

14 june - 28 june

$ 1 197

29 june - 13 july

$ 1 197

14 july - 28 july

$ 1 197
Your Camp

Russia, Alushta, "Golden Fyemeli"

Excellent 4,5 / 5

17 reviews

Your Camp

"Your Camp" is the first multilingual camp in Crimea. We are waiting for all who are interested in learning foreign languages, traditions of different countries and who enjoys the outdoor activities! Classes are conducted by native speakers on a high emotional wave that allows you to achieve ama...

21 june - 4 july

View all shifts
$ 1 006     $ 956discount $ 50

21 june - 4 july

$ 105 000    $ 956

5 july - 18 july

$ 105 000    $ 956

19 july - 1 august

$ 105 000    $ 956

2 august - 15 august

$ 105 000    $ 956
Happy Day

Russia, poselok Lermontovo, DOL "Chayka"

Excellent 4,9 / 5

2 reviews

Happy Day

Развивающая программа "Happy Day" в ДОЛ "Чайка" - это комфортный отдых на берегу Чёрного моря.Программа рассчитана на детей от 7 до 18 лет. Развивающая программа с английским языком. Группа комплектуется в Санкт-Петербурге и организовано добирается до лагеря. ДОЛ "Чайка" - один из самых к...

17 july - 6 august

$ 1 006     $ 956discount $ 50

17 july - 6 august

$ 105 000    $ 956

Russia, Adler, otel' Park Inn Roza Hutor

Программа "FillCamp" для детей 7-17 лет строится на погружении в языковую среду с преподавателями-носителями английского и китайского языка. Детей сопровождают наставники-носители и русскоговорящие . Предоставляется возможность выбора изучения только английского или совмещение английского и ...

27 july - 5 august

View all shifts
$ 1 097     $ 1 042discount $ 55

27 july - 5 august

$ 114 500    $ 1 042

5 august - 14 august

$ 114 500    $ 1 042

Latvia, Koknese, baza otdyiha "Mezhyezers"

Excellent 4,9 / 5

4 reviews


Run faster! Jump higher! Swim longer! Don't sit still for a second! If this is all about your child, then this program is right for you. The program focuses on an active lifestyle. Every day children will be charged in the morning, health gymnastics, various outdoor sports, master classes, t...

BP Hockey. Hockey Camp Trenčín

Slovakia, Bratislava, Pansionat AKKOM

BP Hockey. Hockey Camp Trenčín

Hockey camp is aimed at practicing and perfecting individual skills of player. The maximum number of registered players for one coach is 6 in one micro-group.

BP Hockey. Hockey Camp Zurich (Dielsdorf)

Hockey camp is aimed at practicing and perfecting individual skills of player. The maximum number of registered players for one coach is 6 in one micro-group.

BP Hockey. Hockey Camp Leuven

Hockey camp is aimed at practicing and perfecting individual skills of player. The maximum number of registered players for one coach is 6 in one micro-group.

BP Hockey. Hockey Camp Zurich (Baretswil)

Hockey camp is aimed at practicing and perfecting individual skills of player. The maximum number of registered players for one coach is 6 in one micro-group.

BP Hockey. Hockey Camp Vienna (Bruck an der Leitha)

Austria, Viena, Bruck an der Leitha

BP Hockey. Hockey Camp Vienna (Bruck an der Leitha)

Hockey camp is aimed at practicing and perfecting individual skills of player. The maximum number of registered players for one coach is 6 in one micro-group.

BP Hockey. Hockey Camp Miskolc

Hungary, Budapesht, Ice hockey rink

BP Hockey. Hockey Camp Miskolc

Summer hockey camp "BP Hockey" is aimed at practicing and improving the individual skills of the player. The maximum number of players is 6 in one microgroup per coach. Players are divided into groups by age and level of training coach; goalkeepers coach deals with assistants goalkeepers.

Canadian Island. Junior Camp

Italy, Florentsiya, Agriturismo La Capitana

Canadian Island. Junior Camp

The summer linguistic camp “Canadian Island” with the learning of English and Italian languages is the place where children come to find friends, learn a lot and to get an unforgettable and valuable experience

Canadian Island. Junior Camp

Italy, Florentsiya, Agriturismo Le Valli

Canadian Island. Junior Camp

The summer linguistic camp “Canadian Island” with the learning of English and Italian languages is the place where children come to find friends, learn a lot and to get an unforgettable and valuable experience.

International Camp "Young Leaders"

Georgia, Batumi, Otel' "Kolkhi"

Very good 4,4 / 5

3 reviews

International Camp "Young Leaders"

Unique camp which is organized by professionals in education and tourism. The program is very intensive and interesting: English learning with qualified American and British teachers, sport activities, excursions to Batumi, Mtirala national park and trip to amusement park Tsitsinatela. The camp i...

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LEGO Robotics and English

Greece, Afinyi, The Ranch

Excellent 5,0 / 5

1 review

LEGO Robotics and English

Children's program for boys and girls 2 in 1. We have mixed the English language program by the method of the Canadian University with the LEGO education program for the construction of robots. You will not be bored.

This is an old program. You can leave a request , and we'll pick up a similar program

English Language and Culture Program

Bulgaria, Varna, Vedren Hotel

Excellent 4,7 / 5

1 review

English Language and Culture Program

Creative lessons and much more fun! Every day you will have inspiring activities, games, adventures and swimming in the sea or swimming pool. You will be able to have exciting excursions to theme parks and famous historical monuments, travel on a pirate ship or explore the forests in a jeep Safar...

This is an old program. You can leave a request , and we'll pick up a similar program

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