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Camps in Калужской области for children 8 - 14 years old

Camps with places on the map

Found 15 children's camps

Komandor Camp. Moto Camp

Russia, Tarusa, Otrada

Excellent 4,9 / 5

19 reviews

Komandor Camp. Moto Camp

Motocamp is a great opportunity to try yourself in motorsport. This is a full immersion in motocross and off-road driving under the guidance of the best coaches of the children's school of motocross in Moscow. Who among us in childhood did not dream to quickly get behind the wheel of the par...

23 march - 29 march

View all shifts
$ 481
After successfull reservation you will receive   1000  bonus points

23 march - 29 march

$ 481

6 april - 12 april

$ 481

1 june - 10 june

$ 722

10 june - 19 june

$ 722

21 june - 30 june

$ 722

30 june - 9 july

$ 722

11 july - 20 july

$ 722

20 july - 29 july

$ 722

31 july - 9 august

$ 722

9 august - 18 august

$ 722

20 august - 29 august

$ 722
Komandor Camp. Equestrian Camp

Russia, g. Tarusa, Otrada

Excellent 4,5 / 5

24 reviews

Komandor Camp. Equestrian Camp

Equestrian camp is a journey to the horse farm and daily horse riding. The camp program is designed for children who do not know how to ride, as well as for those who are already engaged in horse riding for years. Our instructors will make you first-class riders and teach you how to properly car...

23 march - 29 march

View all shifts
$ 481
After successfull reservation you will receive   1000  bonus points

23 march - 29 march

$ 481

6 april - 12 april

$ 481

1 june - 10 june

$ 722

20 august - 29 august

$ 722
Komandor Camp. Scientific Camp

Russia, Tarusa, Otrada

Very good 4,4 / 5

7 reviews

Komandor Camp. Scientific Camp

Scientific camp is experiments, interesting classes under the guidance of the best graduates and students of MSU. Each shift of the scientific camp is devoted to its narrow and interesting topics. You will be able to get acquainted with the experiments on robotics or to expand your knowledge in ...

23 march - 29 march

View all shifts
$ 445
After successfull reservation you will receive   1000  bonus points

23 march - 29 march

$ 445

6 april - 12 april

$ 445

1 june - 10 june

$ 541

10 june - 19 june

$ 541

21 june - 30 june

$ 541

30 june - 9 july

$ 541

11 july - 20 july

$ 541

20 july - 29 july

$ 541

31 july - 9 august

$ 541

9 august - 18 august

$ 541

20 august - 29 august

$ 541
Komandor Camp. Академия Блогеров

Russia, Tarusa, Park Otel' "Otrada"

Good 3,9 / 5

3 reviews

Komandor Camp. Академия Блогеров

Komandor Camp. Академия Блогеров  – профессиональное обучение фото и видео блогингу.  Ребята узнают как вести свой блог  и создадут свою собственную  авторскую страничку в Instagramm и канал на YouTube. Дисциплины Академии Блогеров, это  практические занятия по: фото мастерству, видео блогингу...

23 march - 29 march

View all shifts
$ 445
After successfull reservation you will receive   1000  bonus points

23 march - 29 march

$ 445

6 april - 12 april

$ 445

1 june - 10 june

$ 589

21 june - 30 june

$ 589

11 july - 20 july

$ 589

31 july - 9 august

$ 589

20 august - 29 august

$ 589
Молодёжная дружина

Russia, Maloyaroslavets, baza "Rubezh"

Молодёжная дружина

Сообщество семей неравнодушных к воспитанию своих детей. Совместно проводим выезды, походы, чтобы воспитывать детей в православных, патриотических традициях, на нравственных примерах в любви к Богу, Родине и ближним! Ставим в приоритет взаимное доверие, следование общим правилам, умение ставить ...

30 april - 4 may

View all shifts
$ 72     $ 69discount $ 4

30 april - 4 may

$ 6 000    $ 69

8 may - 11 may

$ 6 000    $ 69

1 june - 8 june

$ 18 000    $ 206

8 june - 15 june

$ 18 000    $ 206

15 june - 22 june

$ 18 000    $ 206

13 july - 27 july

$ 40 000    $ 457

3 august - 10 august

$ 18 000    $ 206

10 august - 17 august

$ 18 000    $ 206

17 august - 24 august

$ 18 000    $ 206
Neo Camp

Russia, poselok Aleshkovo, Sanatoriy "Vorob'evo"

Excellent 4,6 / 5

107 reviews

Exciting games, colorful events, hot lasertag battles, paintball tournaments, enchanting show programs, Holi holidays," Panda Park", climbing wall, boats, catamarans, bicycles, scooters, trampoline, interesting master classes-all this and much more is waiting for you. Your kid will be able to sp...

1 june - 16 june

View all shifts
$ 937     $ 884discount $ 53

1 june - 16 june

$ 937    $ 884

19 june - 4 july

$ 937    $ 884

7 july - 22 july

$ 937    $ 884

25 july - 9 august

$ 937    $ 884

12 august - 25 august

$ 841    $ 781

Excellent 4,8 / 5

12 reviews

ДОЛ "Юный Метростроевец" от туроператора "Центр Мира"

Лагерь "Юный Метростроевец" открывает свои двери и приглашает всех играть и побеждать в большой общелагерной игре «Метро 2022», а так же построить собственную ракету в программе "PROкосмос". Играя, придумывая разные игры ребенок учится быть самостоятельным, проявляет свой творческий потенциал, ...

1 june - 21 june

View all shifts
$ 980     $ 971discount $ 10

1 june - 21 june

$ 81 500    $ 971

24 june - 14 july

$ 81 500    $ 971

17 july - 6 august

$ 81 500    $ 971

9 august - 29 august

$ 81 500    $ 971
Komandor Camp. Cinema Camp

Russia, Tarusa, Otrada

Excellent 4,8 / 5

1 review

Komandor Camp. Cinema Camp

Cinema camp is an opportunity to become a real actor for 10 days and to star in a short film. There is everything to reveal your talent: acting and stage speech from the best teachers and students of VGIK, directing and dance classes, special effects workshop and cartoons laboratory. Each sessio...

10 june - 19 june

View all shifts
$ 589
After successfull reservation you will receive   1000  bonus points

10 june - 19 june

$ 589

30 june - 9 july

$ 589

20 july - 29 july

$ 589

9 august - 18 august

$ 589

Excellent 4,8 / 5

5 reviews

Komandor Camp. Танцевальный интенсив

"Dance Camp. Танцевальный интенсив для детей и подростков" - это ежедневные тренировки в разных стилях, начиная от классической хореографии и заканчивая современными популярными направлениями - брейк-данс, хип-хоп, джаз фанк, танцевальный фитнес и даже йога. Ребята будут ежедневно оттачивать с...

1 june - 10 june

View all shifts
$ 541
After successfull reservation you will receive   1000  bonus points

1 june - 10 june

$ 541

10 june - 19 june

$ 541

21 june - 30 june

$ 541

30 june - 9 july

$ 541

11 july - 20 july

$ 541

20 july - 29 july

$ 541

31 july - 9 august

$ 541

9 august - 18 august

$ 541

20 august - 29 august

$ 541
Komandor Camp. Tourist Camp

Russia, Tarusa, Otrada

Excellent 4,6 / 5

18 reviews

Komandor Camp. Tourist Camp

Tourist camp is not only unity with nature, it is an opportunity to test your strength in unusual conditions: learn to navigate the terrain, put up tents, build a shelter, properly build a fire, learn the basics of mountaineering and mountain tourism. What is more breathtaking than traveling? Al...

1 june - 10 june

View all shifts
$ 589
After successfull reservation you will receive   1000  bonus points

1 june - 10 june

$ 589

10 june - 19 june

$ 589

21 june - 30 june

$ 589

30 june - 9 july

$ 589

11 july - 20 july

$ 589

20 july - 29 july

$ 589

31 july - 9 august

$ 589

9 august - 18 august

$ 589

20 august - 29 august

$ 589
Let’s Go Camp

Russia, Obninsk, Detskiy ozdorovitel'nyiy lager'

Excellent 4,5 / 5

19 reviews

Let’s Go Camp

Let's Go Camp is an invitation to the magical and wonderful world of bright, creative, creative, sports, active and intellectual recreation. The author's program, thematic sessions, experienced creative team of counselors and organizers, modern technologies, care for each participant of the progr...

31 may - 13 june

View all shifts
$ 816
After successfull reservation you will receive   400  bonus points

31 may - 13 june

$ 816

16 june - 29 june

$ 816

2 july - 15 july

$ 816

18 july - 31 july

$ 816

3 august - 16 august

$ 816

19 august - 26 august

$ 515
Skill Camp. Pathfinder (Sledopyt)

Russia, g. Obninsk, baza otdyiha i zdorov'ya "Mig"

The author's training program of the famous motivational speaker Ivanov Andrey Arkadyevich. It provides tools for critical understanding of the world, independent analysis and decision-making from the standpoint of morality, friendship and mutual understanding. It is career-oriented program ...

2 june - 13 june

View all shifts
$ 1 021
After successfull reservation you will receive   1000  bonus points

2 june - 13 june

$ 1 021

16 june - 27 june

$ 1 021

30 june - 11 july

$ 1 021

14 july - 25 july

$ 1 021

28 july - 8 august

$ 1 021

11 august - 22 august

$ 1 021

Russia, Kaluga, ZOL "Vityaz'"

ДОЛ "Витязь" и программа «Тайна» - это фантазийный лагерь, особенностью которого является сюжетная игра, где участники смены вовлечены в процесс разгадывания истории, сбора артефактов и поиска разгадок. Приоритетом является организация баланса активности, грамотное распределение интенсивнос...

2 june - 15 june

View all shifts
$ 758     $ 720discount $ 38

2 june - 15 june

$ 63 000    $ 720

17 june - 30 june

$ 65 800    $ 752

2 july - 15 july

$ 65 800    $ 752

17 july - 30 july

$ 65 800    $ 752

2 august - 15 august

$ 65 800    $ 752
Komandor Camp. Мото лагерь

Russia, Tarusa, Usad'ba Otrada

Мото лагерь – отличная возможность попробовать свои силы в мотоспорте. Это полное погружение в мотокросс и обучение внедорожному мастерству вождения питбайков, а также технические занятия по устройству и ремонту мотоцикла. Кто из нас в детстве не мечтал побыстрее сесть за руль родительской маш...

1 june - 10 june

View all shifts
$ 674
After successfull reservation you will receive   1000  bonus points

1 june - 10 june

$ 674

10 june - 19 june

$ 674

21 june - 30 june

$ 674

30 june - 9 july

$ 674

11 july - 20 july

$ 674

20 july - 29 july

$ 674

31 july - 9 august

$ 674

9 august - 18 august

$ 674

20 august - 29 august

$ 674
Stars Academy

Russia, Zhukov, DOL "Izumrud"

Creative children's camp "Academy of Stars" is a fascinating and informative rest during the holidays. Throughout the session kids will have creative competitions and concerts, acting and dance workshops, art workshops, active recreation and sports. In the camp, each child will find a progra...

29 july - 9 august

View all shifts
$ 924     $ 878discount $ 46

29 july - 9 august

$ 76 800    $ 878

12 august - 23 august

$ 76 800    $ 878

25 august - 30 august

$ 36 800    $ 421
Make reservation in category "Camps in Калужской области for children 8 - 14 years old" to the camps for children with a discount or bonus at incamp.me. Free reservation and cancellation! Select the best camp in the region Калужская область with our rating of camps. Compare price and genuine parents reviews about the camps.