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Spring camps for march in Russia for children 8 - 17 years old

Camps with places on the map

Found 45 children's camps


Russia, Moskva, "Krasnaya Gvozdika"

Excellent 4,8 / 5

151 reviews

Health recreation for children and adolescents in the camp "Euroclub". Summer, autumn, winter holidays 2019-2020, Istra district, Novorizhskoe highway. Permanent staff of teachers, cheerful team of counselors, excellent living conditions, gym and swimming pool. The program of the camp was approv...

30 march - 5 april

$ 544     $ 528discount $ 16

30 march - 5 april

$ 47 000    $ 528
Гудвин. Чехов

Russia, Chehov, DOL Zvezdochka

Excellent 4,8 / 5

84 reviews

Программа проводится с 2009 года на базах подмосковных лагерей. Девиз лагеря – "дети всегда должны быть заняты!" Жизнь в лагере кипит: подготовки к концертам, репетиции, игры, квесты, студии, мастер-классы, олимпиада по 15 видам, походы и многое другое. Проведя в лагере смену, ребята хотят возвр...

29 march - 6 april

$ 336     $ 319discount $ 17

29 march - 6 april

$ 29 000    $ 319

Russia, Moskva, baza Yolka

Excellent 4,8 / 5

228 reviews

The organizers of the children's camp "Yolka" make not just fun, but also educational sessions for children. Science is a way of life and the camp team works daily on several educational programs for children from 7 to 16 years. On the territory of the camp, each child has access to two mode...

23 march - 29 march

$ 497     $ 472discount $ 25

23 march - 29 march

$ 42 900    $ 472
Blue bird

Russia, Novosibirsk, SOLKD "Chkalovets"

Excellent 4,7 / 5

10 reviews

Children's camp Blue bird is: full rest of the child after a hard school year; obtaining new knowledge to expand the child's horizons; new interesting acquaintances; a wonderful summer vacation; the opportunity to learn new things in a relaxed atmosphere; talent development; adaptation i...

23 march - 28 march

$ 254
After successfull reservation you will receive   767  bonus points

23 march - 28 march

$ 254
Mirgrad. Dobrokon

Russia, Kirzhach, Mirgrad

Excellent 4,7 / 5

83 reviews

"Dobrokon" is a horseracing program for those who love to ride through the vast fields or those who want to improve their level, to try new things and go beyond! This horseracing and tourist program is conducted on a horse base, where there are huge fields, forests, clean air, where there are al...

29 march - 6 april

$ 452     $ 429discount $ 23

29 march - 6 april

$ 39 000    $ 429
United Kingdom

Russia, Yuzha, Dom otdyiha "Yuzhskiy"

Excellent 4,8 / 5

48 reviews

Творческо-лингвистический лагерь "Объединенное Королевство" — это система отдыха, во время которого детям от 6 до 17 лет предоставляется возможность в непринужденной обстановке изучать английский язык, отдохнуть от школы, получить новые впечатления и набраться сил.

23 march - 29 march

$ 272     $ 259discount $ 14

23 march - 29 march

$ 23 500    $ 259

Russia, pgt.Tuchkovo, OOTs "PATRIOT"

Excellent 4,9 / 5

10 reviews

Our efforts are aimed at cultivating creative and talented person, who loves his relatives and friends, his nearest, and motherland of course. To achieve this goal, it is necessary both to provide knowledge and skills that will contribute to the formation of appropriate ideals, principles and ou...

23 march - 29 march

$ 496     $ 471discount $ 25

23 march - 29 march

$ 42 800    $ 471
Сибберри клуб

Russia, Novosibirsk, Sibberri klub

Excellent 5,0 / 5

2 reviews

«Сибберри клуб» — это больше, чем просто детский лагерь. Это место, где каждое мгновение наполнено радостью, вдохновением и новыми открытиями. Ваш ребенок будет каждый день просыпаться в уютном просторном номере, где комфорт сочетается с современным дизайном. Множество уличных развлечений: летн...

24 march - 28 march

$ 261     $ 248discount $ 13

24 march - 28 march

$ 22 500    $ 248

Russia, Sankt-Peterburg, DTTs "Pioner"

Excellent 4,7 / 5

131 reviews

"Haglar" is a recreation program for children aged 7-17 years with learning English. There is a professional approach to the organization of educational, developmental and entertainment programs. "Haglar" has earned the trust of 5,000 parents. 75% of customers come back to us again and again, an...

23 march - 28 march

$ 439     $ 426discount $ 13

23 march - 28 march

$ 37 900    $ 426

Excellent 4,8 / 5

17 reviews

Спортивная программа для любителей лошадей, включающая обучение верховой езде и специализацию для всадников разного уровня подготовки (даже с нуля): общая верховая езда, конкур, выездка, джигитовка. Дополнительно доступна программа " Дружба с лошадью", которая включает работу в руках, дрессуру, ...

29 march - 6 april

$ 521     $ 495discount $ 26

29 march - 6 april

$ 45 000    $ 495
Zhivaya legenda

Russia, Pushkino, Pushkinskiy g.o., selo Levkovo, 38A

Excellent 4,8 / 5

138 reviews

The program of children and family recreation "Zhivaya legenda" is designed for children from 7 to 17 years. In the adventure program children are waiting for busy days, sports, creativity, intellectual and cultural development. The task of the organizers is to bring up in children the love of k...

30 march - 5 april

$ 388     $ 369discount $ 19

30 march - 5 april

$ 33 500    $ 369

Russia, Sankt-Peterburg, klub semeynogo i korporativnogo otdyiha "Sledopyit"

Excellent 5,0 / 5

1 review

The flagship is the main ship of the flotilla. He carries the flag and at night – a signal fire. The "Flagman" program is for those children who want to reveal the abilities of a leader, to form a responsible life position and to follow three pathways: to themselves, to people and to the world. ...

23 march - 30 march

$ 394     $ 386discount $ 8

23 march - 30 march

$ 34 000    $ 386
English Club Lingua

Russia, Moskva, Pansionat "Zvenigorodskiy"

Excellent 5,0 / 5

1 review

Camp "English Club Lingua" builds its program entirely in English. For those who have a basic level of English, everything will be translated. Every day games, activities, new vocabulary. Small groups of 12-14 people, small language groups. 3 hours of English lessons per day. Native speakers on ...

29 march - 5 april

$ 375     $ 357discount $ 19

29 march - 5 april

$ 32 400    $ 357
English club PRO

Russia, Moskva, pansionat "Zvenigorodskiy"

Excellent 4,5 / 5

4 reviews

The English club celebrates 20 th anniversary! English classes 2 times a day. In the program life under the Constitution, which was invented by children and counselors, as well as role-playing, quest, paramilitary games, cool shows on stage and discos every other day. A minimum of 2 games and 1 ...

29 march - 5 april

$ 375     $ 357discount $ 19

29 march - 5 april

$ 32 400    $ 357
Smart holidays

Russia, Sankt-Peterburg, DOL "Goluboe ozero"

Excellent 4,7 / 5

36 reviews

Children's language camp "Smart vacation" is an intensive English course with an emphasis on the development of spoken language. Several hours a day all communication between children and adults is held only in a foreign language. English classes are held in the form of a game in order to de...

23 march - 29 march

View all shifts
$ 405     $ 397discount $ 8

23 march - 29 march

$ 35 000    $ 397

23 march - 29 march

$ 43 291    $ 491
12 colleges. Team formula

Russia, derevnya Vaskelovo, baza otdyiha "Onega"

Very good 4,4 / 5

16 reviews

Camp in Montenegro "Team Formula!" This is not just an interesting trip to beautiful places, but also a full-fledged team building training. Psychologists accompanying children and adolescents will help plan the day, complete quests, and solve important time management tasks. We help adolescents...

24 march - 29 march

$ 452     $ 429discount $ 23

24 march - 29 march

$ 39 000    $ 429
Santa lingua

Russia, Izhevsk, GU LOK "Dzerzhinets"

Very good 4,2 / 5

2 reviews

Santa lingua

The purpose of Santa Lingua is to prepare, organize and carry out additional to the school programs, continuous learning in foreign languages on the basis of the latest domestic and foreign achievements in the field of teaching foreign languages throughout the calendar year, combined with active...

23 march - 30 march

$ 279     $ 265discount $ 14

23 march - 30 march

$ 24 100    $ 265
Komandor Camp. Moto Camp

Russia, Tarusa, Otrada

Excellent 4,9 / 5

19 reviews

Komandor Camp. Moto Camp

Motocamp is a great opportunity to try yourself in motorsport. This is a full immersion in motocross and off-road driving under the guidance of the best coaches of the children's school of motocross in Moscow. Who among us in childhood did not dream to quickly get behind the wheel of the par...

23 march - 29 march

$ 463
After successfull reservation you will receive   1000  bonus points

23 march - 29 march

$ 463
Komandor Camp. Equestrian Camp

Russia, g. Tarusa, Otrada

Excellent 4,5 / 5

24 reviews

Komandor Camp. Equestrian Camp

Equestrian camp is a journey to the horse farm and daily horse riding. The camp program is designed for children who do not know how to ride, as well as for those who are already engaged in horse riding for years. Our instructors will make you first-class riders and teach you how to properly car...

23 march - 29 march

$ 463
After successfull reservation you will receive   1000  bonus points

23 march - 29 march

$ 463
Komandor Camp. Академия Блогеров

Russia, Tarusa, Park Otel' "Otrada"

Good 3,9 / 5

3 reviews

Komandor Camp. Академия Блогеров

Komandor Camp. Академия Блогеров  – профессиональное обучение фото и видео блогингу.  Ребята узнают как вести свой блог  и создадут свою собственную  авторскую страничку в Instagramm и канал на YouTube. Дисциплины Академии Блогеров, это  практические занятия по: фото мастерству, видео блогингу...

23 march - 29 march

$ 429
After successfull reservation you will receive   1000  bonus points

23 march - 29 march

$ 429
Северная Гардарика

Russia, p. Losevo, Fakel+

Very good 4,3 / 5

4 reviews

Северная Гардарика

С 1995 года «Северная Гардарика» помогаем детям учить язык легко и с удовольствием. Разговорный английский проходит без зубрежки и нудных уроков. Программы направлены на естественное погружение в языковую среду, умение работать в команде, развитие критического мышления и креативность каждого реб...

23 march - 30 march

View all shifts
$ 376
After successfull reservation you will receive   1000  bonus points

23 march - 30 march

$ 376

23 march - 30 march

$ 486
Новый город "Дружный"

Russia, Perm', sanatoriy «Vita»

Very good 4,3 / 5

5 reviews

Новый город "Дружный"

Новый город «Дружный» - это первый и единственный в России, по версии Кинофестиваля «Лампа», детский Киногород. «Дружный» - это неиссякаемое место развития творчества и новаторских идей для детей от 5 до 18 лет с разными способностями и потребностями. Туры (смены) посвящены кинематографии...

27 march - 30 march

$ 347     $ 330discount $ 17

27 march - 30 march

$ 30 000    $ 330
Kotlin Kids Camp

Russia, Sankt-Peterburg, DOL "Lesnaya skazka"

Excellent 5,0 / 5

2 reviews

Kotlin Kids Camp

Основная цель программы "Kotlin Kids Camp​" – обеспечить полноценный отдых детей, для того, чтобы каждый ребенок лагеря смог полностью реализовать себя как в занятиях по интересам, так и в общественной жизни лагеря. Свою главную задачу администрация и педагогический коллектив лагеря, преж...

23 march - 29 march

View all shifts
$ 284     $ 270discount $ 14

23 march - 29 march

$ 24 500    $ 270

23 march - 29 march

$ 34 500    $ 380
Computer Academy STEP

Russia, Rossiya, g Moskva, Moskovskiy pr-kt, d 183-185

Excellent 4,7 / 5

5 reviews

In the computer camp, your children try themselves in various computer specialties. Under the guidance of experienced trainers and teachers of the Computer Academy of STEP, they implement their most ambitious projects. Children are waited by comfortable, specially equipped auditoriums, conferenc...

24 march - 28 march

$ 136     $ 130discount $ 7

24 march - 28 march

$ 11 780    $ 130
Computer Academy STEP

Russia, Sankt-Peterburg, Grazhdanskiy prospekt, 41a, 3 yetazh

Very good 4,3 / 5

2 reviews

In the computer camp, your children try themselves in various computer specialties. Under the guidance of experienced trainers and teachers of the Computer Academy of STEP, they implement their most ambitious projects. Children are waited by comfortable, specially equipped auditoriums, conferenc...

24 march - 28 march

$ 136     $ 130discount $ 7

24 march - 28 march

$ 11 780    $ 130
Computer Academy STEP

Russia, Sankt-Peterburg, ul. Ital'yanskaya, d. 2

Very good 4,3 / 5

2 reviews

In the computer camp, your children try themselves in various computer specialties. Under the guidance of experienced trainers and teachers of the Computer Academy of STEP, they implement their most ambitious projects. Children are waited by comfortable, specially equipped auditoriums, conferenc...

24 march - 28 march

$ 136     $ 130discount $ 7

24 march - 28 march

$ 11 780    $ 130
Computer Academy STEP

Russia, Sankt-Peterburg, pr-t Bol'shevikov, d. 27

Reviews rating 2,7 / 5

1 review

Computer Academy STEP

In the computer camp, your children try themselves in various computer specialties. Under the guidance of experienced trainers and teachers of the Computer Academy of STEP, they implement their most ambitious projects. Children are waited by comfortable, specially equipped auditoriums, conferenc...

24 march - 28 march

$ 136     $ 130discount $ 7

24 march - 28 march

$ 11 780    $ 130
Инжиниум. ИТ каникулы в Сколково

Russia, Rossiya, g Moskva, ter innovatsionnogo tsentra Skolkovo, Bol'shoy b-r, d 42 str 1

Excellent 5,0 / 5

1 review

Инжиниум. ИТ каникулы в Сколково

Каникулы с Инжиниум: программируем успехи будущего, наслаждаясь отдыхом и приятным общением с единомышленниками! Каникулярный интенсив Инжиниум, а так же, смены одного дня - это захватывающее путешествие в мир цифровых профессий, открывающее безграничное пространство для развития. ...

24 march - 28 march

$ 360
After successfull reservation you will receive   778  bonus points

24 march - 28 march

$ 360
Компьютерная Академия ТОП. СПб. Курсы

Russia, Sankt-Peterburg, 12 filialov akademii TOP SPb

Образовательные курсы от Компьютерной Академии ТОП. Детей и взрослых ждут: Опытные преподаватели с практическим опытом Современная учебная программа с актуальными технологиями Гарантированная практика в ведущих IT-компаниях Индивидуальный подход к каждому студенту

23 march - 31 october

View all shifts
$ 118
After successfull reservation you will receive   511  bonus points

23 march - 31 october

$ 118

23 march - 31 october

$ 124

23 march - 31 october

$ 124

23 march - 31 october

$ 146

23 march - 31 october

$ 146
Logo Polis

Russia, Saransk, Sanatoriy "Saranskiy"

"Logo Polis" – авторский детский лагерь, основанный в 2006 году. В основе программы лежит одноименная большая ситуационно-ролевая игра - эпопея, послужившая началом развития детской Республики и сюжета детского общества. " Logo Polis" - уникальная форма организации детского отдыха и дополните...

23 march - 29 march

$ 491     $ 467discount $ 25

23 march - 29 march

$ 42 400    $ 467
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