Found 94 children's camps
Oxford Camp — круглогодичная детская программа для отдыха и развития. Мы предлагаем 10-ти дневные тематические языковые заезды, во время которых дети от 7 до 17 лет развивают свои креативные способности, смекалку и личные качества. Каждый день ребят ожидают уроки английского языка с ...
Кинолагерь “Я звезда” – основан на базе московской детской киношколы «Я звезда». Сильные педагоги и классная методика преподавания. Благодаря этому ваш ребенок за летнюю смену сможет сняться в настоящем кино. Кино ученики поступают во ВГИК и другие вузы. Художественный руководител...
2 june - 12 june
View all shiftsMultifaceted creative camp which has linguistic, theatrical, robotic and horse riding. The association of several organizations allows children to do what they love, and in their free time fun and active all together to spend leisure time. The programs are full of original ideas, which are const...
Программирование вместе со школой робототехники и программирования «Робопрог». Python 1-5 смена, Minecraft 1,3,5 смены, Roblox-studio 2 и 4 смены Обучение программированию детей проводится на базе python ( для возраста 14 - 17 лет), minecraft (для возраста 7 - 13 лет), roblox-studio...
Each session in the of camp "Komok" kids is the development of social skills, leadership qualities, creativity, creativity and individual talents with an individual approach to each child. Together we learn to be friends, communicate and "understand" ourselves. We also play English games, pass q...
В мире компьютерных технологий все меньше и меньше времени уделяются живому общению. Особенно остро эта проблема стоит у детей. Сидя за соседними партами в школе современный ребенок предпочтет написать своему соседу, чем обратиться напрямую. Основная концепция программы – социализация ребенка ...
We offer 50 English lessons in 2 weeks with native speakers. Vacation in a camp IP-RUSSIA with intensive language learning. This is a joint project of the British IP school and the Russian company Booking Education. Teachers are only native speakers with experience in teaching English as a forei...
We offer 50 English lessons in 2 weeks with native speakers. Vacation in a camp IP-RUSSIA with intensive language learning. This is a joint project of the British IP school and the Russian company Booking Education. Teachers are only native speakers with experience in teaching English as a forei...
At "Maksatiha camp", children are not just taught how to make films, they are helped to Express their ideas on the screen, to be understood and heard. The main goal of the author's program is the development of personality, disclosure and development of talents and abilities of each child, s...
31 may - 11 june
View all shiftsCamp of outdoor activity “CONTACT” invites children from 7 to 16 years to spend an unforgettable vacation! "CONTACT" is a camp for those who like active vacation and whose interests are diverse. We offer different clubs, sports, horse riding, archery, evening entertainment, full-time during the ...
3 june - 18 june
View all shifts"Logo Polis" – авторский детский проект, основанный в 2006 году. В основе программы лежит одноименная большая ситуационно-ролевая игра - эпопея, послужившая началом развития детской Республики и сюжета детского общества. " Logo Polis" - уникальная форма организации детского отдыха и дополните...
Film directing - one of the main directions in the world of cinema! True film director must personally go through all the stages of filming, before heading the shooting of his own picture. Can't live a day without a camera? Would you like to practice working in the frame and beyond? Or maybe...
Stand - up (stand-Up) is a solo performance, with "sharp" jokes on vital and topical themes and always communicating with the audience. Creative Academy "Stand-up» in the camp" applause " Is a course of classes for the emancipation of a young comedian on stage! Humor-a delicate matter, the corre...
Football freestyle-a sport, the essence of which is to perform various tricks with a football ball using different parts of the body, except the hands. The creative Academy "Freestele Football" in the camp "Applause" is a course of classes on the development of skills in the field of working wit...
"The theater begins with a hanger." And our theater begins with a child's emotion. Acting, stage movement, stage speech and public speaking, training for emancipation, removal of clips and complexes. The production Company "Applause" offers to spend school holidays with benefit! Your child n...
"Music laboratory" is an Academy that will help you to feel and hear all the members of the band you are playing with!
Creative Academy is for those who see the world in bright colors and is ready to transfer their imagination to a drawing paper, cardboard, T-shirt or even a wall! "ART" is a platform for the realization of its visual ambitions within the framework of creative academy. The program includes traini...
On our trips children have a real opportunity to get into the fabulous world of fashion! Creative Academy "Podium "from the Production Company" Applause» is an opportunity to feel the camera flashes and bright lights of spotlights, to experience the work of makeup artists and hard work of stylis...
Photography is one of the most important inventions of mankind. Our training program consists of the correct camera settings, photo editing, selecting the desired angle, advertising and subject shooting, landscape and portrait shooting. The production Company "Applause" offers to spend school ho...
Choreography is an art form about the beauty and perfection of movement. This direction will help to form the right mode of the day and the rhythm of life. On each shift we choose a certain direction of dance from the origins to the present: classical base, modern choreography, hip-hop, vogue, e...
Академия «IT & Робототехника» - это комплексные занятия по развитию таких наук, как: информатика, логика, физика, алгоритмика и механика в игровой форме теперь доступны и на наших выездных программах. Программа для тех ребят, кто хочет быть на «ты» с миром IT. А так же для тех, кто хочет собра...
Creative camp with English lessons in a playful way. 5 meals per a day. During the session, children are waiting for: creative master classes, sports classes, theatrical performances and all this - in English! Daily access to the swimming pool. A bonus for parents will be a daily photo report of...
1 june - 14 june
View all shifts"Rekaleto" is held in a cozy, well-heated cottages on the territory of the holiday Home with excellent infrastructure. Every minute of the author's program is occupied with spoken English, classes with teachers, interesting quests in English, sports and creative ideas. The guys compete in te...
Международная футбольно-тренировочная программа - «лига». На выбор предлагаются программы: старт - 2 тренировки в день, профи - 3 тренировки в день. Помимо тренировок, в программе представлены: футбольные тесты, теоретические занятия, игры-квесты; внутренние соревнования и турниры; спортивн...
A new project from specialists with great experience, which carefully combined the heritage of the past and the best modern ideas. Without gadgets and boredom – a place where children can be children, experience real adventures, find real friends, join the sport and creativity. Children will go ...
ALCamp — это отличный шанс попробовать себя в новом деле, завести друзей с разных концов света, попрактиковать английский и выйти на новый уровень знания языка. ALСamp даёт мотивацию и старт для поступления в международные школы. ALСamp — это запоминающиеся каникулы со спортивным...
18 june - 1 july
View all shiftsЛагерь "Юный Метростроевец" открывает свои двери и приглашает всех играть и побеждать в большой общелагерной игре «Метро 2022», а так же построить собственную ракету в программе "PROкосмос". Играя, придумывая разные игры ребенок учится быть самостоятельным, проявляет свой творческий потенциал, ...
Children‘s creative, developing camp in Pushkin district of Moscow region. The program includes outdoor games, entertainment, discos.
Cinema camp is an opportunity to become a real actor for 10 days and to star in a short film. There is everything to reveal your talent: acting and stage speech from the best teachers and students of VGIK, directing and dance classes, special effects workshop and cartoons laboratory. Each sessio...
10 june - 19 june
View all shiftsДетский лагерь «Искраград» — это круглогодичный лагерь с авторскими программами. У нас есть всё, о чём может мечтать ребёнок! «Искраград» — это: огромная живописная территория, сосны, свежий воздух и пение птиц. спортивные площадки на любой возраст и вкус. уютные ...
1 june - 21 june
View all shifts