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Summer camps in Russia for children 6 - 11 years old

Camps with places on the map

Found 48 children's camps


Russia, Moskva, "Krasnaya Gvozdika"

Excellent 4,8 / 5

151 reviews

Health recreation for children and adolescents in the camp "Euroclub". Summer, autumn, winter holidays 2019-2020, Istra district, Novorizhskoe highway. Permanent staff of teachers, cheerful team of counselors, excellent living conditions, gym and swimming pool. The program of the camp was approv...

31 may - 10 june

View all shifts
$ 1 129     $ 1 095discount $ 34

31 may - 10 june

$ 97 000    $ 1 095

22 june - 2 july

$ 125 000    $ 1 412

6 july - 16 july

$ 125 000    $ 1 412

20 july - 30 july

$ 125 000    $ 1 412

3 august - 13 august

$ 125 000    $ 1 412

15 august - 25 august

$ 125 000    $ 1 412
Гудвин. Чехов

Russia, Chehov, DOL Zvezdochka

Excellent 4,8 / 5

87 reviews

Программа проводится с 2009 года на базах подмосковных лагерей. Девиз лагеря – "дети всегда должны быть заняты!" Жизнь в лагере кипит: подготовки к концертам, репетиции, игры, квесты, студии, мастер-классы, олимпиада по 15 видам, походы и многое другое. Проведя в лагере смену, ребята хотят возвр...

14 august - 29 august

$ 730     $ 693discount $ 36

14 august - 29 august

$ 62 700    $ 693
United Kingdom

Russia, Moskva, Pansionat "Lesnoy Gorodok"

Excellent 4,7 / 5

103 reviews

"United Kingdom" is a children's linguistic camp with a focus on creativity . The program is filled with intellectual and creative games and shows that will broaden the horizons, contribute to the growth of self-esteem, teach to make decisions and defend their opinions. The program is design...

29 may - 10 june

View all shifts
$ 959     $ 911discount $ 48

29 may - 10 june

$ 82 400    $ 911

13 june - 25 june

$ 82 400    $ 911

28 june - 10 july

$ 82 400    $ 911

13 july - 25 july

$ 82 400    $ 911

28 july - 9 august

$ 82 400    $ 911

Russia, Moskva, Next Camp v "Zelenom gorodke"

Excellent 4,7 / 5

179 reviews

In the "NEXT CAMP", your children will enjoy programs developed by our experienced staff, full of interesting cultural and entertainment events, master classes, clubs, quests, educational and sports events, quizzes, contests and surprises! In addition to the" traditional "shifts, we also regular...

29 may - 11 june

View all shifts
$ 872     $ 828discount $ 44

29 may - 11 june

$ 74 900    $ 828

30 june - 13 july

$ 86 000    $ 951

16 july - 29 july

$ 86 000    $ 951

1 august - 14 august

$ 74 900    $ 828

17 august - 30 august

$ 74 900    $ 828
Planet of English

Russia, Pushkino, Sanatoriy "Zelenyiy gorodok"

Excellent 4,8 / 5

142 reviews

Camp with native English speakers (6 hours of English per day), buffet, laser tag, Panda Park, horses, swimming pool, quests and theatre! Our camp is a territory of happiness for your child. We offer thematic program, improvement and strengthening of immunity, disclosure of talents and creative ...

29 may - 11 june

View all shifts
$ 778     $ 739discount $ 39

29 may - 11 june

$ 66 800    $ 739

29 may - 11 june

$ 70 970    $ 785

29 may - 11 june

$ 77 720    $ 858

14 june - 27 june

$ 78 860    $ 872

30 june - 13 july

$ 78 860    $ 872

16 july - 29 july

$ 78 860    $ 872

1 august - 14 august

$ 78 860    $ 872

1 august - 14 august

$ 91 250    $ 1 009

17 august - 30 august

$ 66 800    $ 739

17 august - 30 august

$ 70 970    $ 785

17 august - 30 august

$ 77 200    $ 850
VK camp

Russia, Lyubertsyi, Sanatoriy "Malahovka"

Excellent 4,8 / 5

114 reviews

If you want your child to have a good rest, improve his / her health, improve English, join the basics of the Orthodox faith and come back with bright impressions, then we are waiting for you in the Orthodox language camp. Every child is surrounded by love, attention and care.

1 june - 12 june

View all shifts
$ 792     $ 752discount $ 40

1 june - 12 june

$ 68 000    $ 752

17 june - 28 june

$ 68 000    $ 752

3 july - 14 july

$ 68 000    $ 752

19 july - 30 july

$ 68 000    $ 752

5 august - 16 august

$ 68 000    $ 752

20 august - 26 august

$ 42 000    $ 465
Young intellectual

Russia, Moskva, Kurort "Novaya Istra"

Excellent 4,7 / 5

14 reviews

Children's intellectual training camps are a unique form of children's development. Every month on the territory of one of the best hotels in the Moscow region for a few hours the guys learn the wisdom of the ancient game of chess. The classes are organized under the direction of the bes...

1 june - 8 june

View all shifts
$ 862     $ 818discount $ 43

1 june - 8 june

$ 74 000    $ 818

8 june - 15 june

$ 74 000    $ 818

15 june - 22 june

$ 74 000    $ 818

22 june - 29 june

$ 74 000    $ 818

1 july - 8 july

$ 74 000    $ 818

8 july - 15 july

$ 74 000    $ 818

15 july - 22 july

$ 74 000    $ 818

22 july - 29 july

$ 74 000    $ 818

1 august - 8 august

$ 74 000    $ 818

8 august - 15 august

$ 74 000    $ 818

15 august - 22 august

$ 74 000    $ 818

22 august - 29 august

$ 74 000    $ 818
IP Russia

Russia, Moskva, Pansionat Zarya

Excellent 4,6 / 5

77 reviews

We offer 50 English lessons in 2 weeks with native speakers. Vacation in a camp IP-RUSSIA with intensive language learning. This is a joint project of the British IP school and the Russian company Booking Education. Teachers are only native speakers with experience in teaching English as a forei...

25 may - 7 june

View all shifts
$ 1 030     $ 979discount $ 52

25 may - 7 june

$ 88 500    $ 979

25 may - 14 june

$ 118 000    $ 1 305

1 june - 7 june

$ 44 500    $ 492

8 june - 14 june

$ 46 500    $ 514

8 june - 21 june

$ 92 000    $ 1 018

8 june - 28 june

$ 129 000    $ 1 427

22 june - 28 june

$ 46 500    $ 514

22 june - 5 july

$ 92 000    $ 1 018

22 june - 12 july

$ 129 000    $ 1 427

29 june - 5 july

$ 46 500    $ 514

6 july - 12 july

$ 46 500    $ 514

6 july - 19 july

$ 92 000    $ 1 018

13 july - 19 july

$ 46 500    $ 514

20 july - 26 july

$ 46 500    $ 514

20 july - 2 august

$ 92 000    $ 1 018

20 july - 9 august

$ 129 000    $ 1 427

27 july - 2 august

$ 46 500    $ 514

27 july - 9 august

$ 92 000    $ 1 018

27 july - 16 august

$ 125 000    $ 1 383

3 august - 9 august

$ 45 500    $ 503

3 august - 16 august

$ 90 000    $ 995

10 august - 16 august

$ 45 500    $ 503
Maksatics Camp

Russia, Tver', "Maksatiha KYeMP"

Excellent 4,9 / 5

26 reviews

At "Maksatiha camp", children are not just taught how to make films, they are helped to Express their ideas on the screen, to be understood and heard. The main goal of the author's program is the development of personality, disclosure and development of talents and abilities of each child, s...

31 may - 11 june

View all shifts
$ 964
After successfull reservation you will receive   1000  bonus points

31 may - 11 june

$ 964

13 june - 27 june

$ 1 169

30 june - 14 july

$ 1 211

29 july - 12 august

$ 1 169

14 august - 28 august

$ 1 169
FootSkill camp

Russia, Novorossiysk, uchebno-trenirovochnaya baza "ButKyemp"

Excellent 5,0 / 5

6 reviews

Футбольные сборы для детей от 6 до 18 лет, место для развития футбольных навыков ребёнка. К участию в программе приглашаются участники любого уровня подготовки. Тренировочные группы формируются по возрасту и опыту футболистов . Тренировки направлены на развитие индивидуальных качеств игрока, ра...

30 june - 9 july

View all shifts
$ 920     $ 828discount $ 92

30 june - 9 july

$ 920    $ 828

10 july - 19 july

$ 920    $ 828
KID travel. Camp of outdoor activity CONTACT

Russia, Moskva, Sanatoriy "Malahovka"

Very good 4,4 / 5

71 reviews

Camp of outdoor activity “CONTACT” invites children from 7 to 16 years to spend an unforgettable vacation! "CONTACT" is a camp for those who like active vacation and whose interests are diverse. We offer different clubs, sports, horse riding, archery, evening entertainment, full-time during the ...

3 june - 18 june

View all shifts
$ 917
After successfull reservation you will receive   1000  bonus points

3 june - 18 june

$ 917

22 june - 7 july

$ 917

11 july - 26 july

$ 917

30 july - 14 august

$ 917

16 august - 26 august

$ 720
Logo Polis

Russia, Moskva, DOL "Druzhba"

Excellent 5,0 / 5

1 review

"Logo Polis" – авторский детский проект, основанный в 2006 году. В основе программы лежит одноименная большая ситуационно-ролевая игра - эпопея, послужившая началом развития детской Республики и сюжета детского общества. " Logo Polis" - уникальная форма организации детского отдыха и дополните...

18 june - 30 june

View all shifts
$ 1 163     $ 1 105discount $ 58

18 june - 30 june

$ 99 900    $ 1 105

3 july - 15 july

$ 99 900    $ 1 105

18 july - 30 july

$ 99 900    $ 1 105
Applause. Film directing

Russia, Moskva, OKSTs «Polyot»

Excellent 4,8 / 5

2 reviews

Film directing - one of the main directions in the world of cinema! True film director must personally go through all the stages of filming, before heading the shooting of his own picture. Can't live a day without a camera? Would you like to practice working in the frame and beyond? Or maybe...

31 may - 10 june

View all shifts
$ 817     $ 776discount $ 41

31 may - 10 june

$ 70 147    $ 776

11 june - 21 june

$ 70 147    $ 776

23 june - 3 july

$ 70 147    $ 776

5 july - 15 july

$ 70 147    $ 776

17 july - 27 july

$ 70 147    $ 776

29 july - 8 august

$ 70 147    $ 776

9 august - 19 august

$ 70 147    $ 776

20 august - 30 august

$ 70 147    $ 776
Applause. Stand-Up

Russia, Moskva, OKSTs «Polyot»

Excellent 4,8 / 5

10 reviews

Stand - up (stand-Up) is a solo performance, with "sharp" jokes on vital and topical themes and always communicating with the audience. Creative Academy "Stand-up» in the camp" applause " Is a course of classes for the emancipation of a young comedian on stage! Humor-a delicate matter, the corre...

31 may - 10 june

View all shifts
$ 853     $ 811discount $ 43

31 may - 10 june

$ 73 305    $ 811

11 june - 21 june

$ 73 305    $ 811

23 june - 3 july

$ 73 305    $ 811

5 july - 15 july

$ 73 305    $ 811

17 july - 27 july

$ 73 305    $ 811

29 july - 8 august

$ 73 305    $ 811

9 august - 19 august

$ 73 305    $ 811

20 august - 30 august

$ 73 305    $ 811
Applause. Freestyle Football

Russia, Moskva, OKSTs «Polyot»

Excellent 4,7 / 5

4 reviews

Football freestyle-a sport, the essence of which is to perform various tricks with a football ball using different parts of the body, except the hands. The creative Academy "Freestele Football" in the camp "Applause" is a course of classes on the development of skills in the field of working wit...

31 may - 10 june

View all shifts
$ 817     $ 776discount $ 41

31 may - 10 june

$ 70 147    $ 776

11 june - 21 june

$ 70 147    $ 776

23 june - 3 july

$ 70 147    $ 776

5 july - 15 july

$ 70 147    $ 776

17 july - 27 july

$ 70 147    $ 776

29 july - 8 august

$ 70 147    $ 776

9 august - 19 august

$ 70 147    $ 776

20 august - 30 august

$ 70 147    $ 776
Applause. Theatre

Russia, Moskva, OKSTs «Polyot»

Excellent 4,7 / 5

24 reviews

"The theater begins with a hanger." And our theater begins with a child's emotion. Acting, stage movement, stage speech and public speaking, training for emancipation, removal of clips and complexes. The production Company "Applause" offers to spend school holidays with benefit! Your child n...

31 may - 10 june

View all shifts
$ 817     $ 776discount $ 41

31 may - 10 june

$ 70 147    $ 776

11 june - 21 june

$ 70 147    $ 776

23 june - 3 july

$ 70 147    $ 776

5 july - 15 july

$ 70 147    $ 776

17 july - 27 july

$ 70 147    $ 776

29 july - 8 august

$ 70 147    $ 776

9 august - 19 august

$ 70 147    $ 776

20 august - 30 august

$ 70 147    $ 776
Applause. Music laboratory

Russia, Moskva, OKSTs «Polyot»

Excellent 4,7 / 5

8 reviews

"Music laboratory" is an Academy that will help you to feel and hear all the members of the band you are playing with!

31 may - 10 june

View all shifts
$ 853     $ 811discount $ 43

31 may - 10 june

$ 73 305    $ 811

11 june - 21 june

$ 73 305    $ 811

23 june - 3 july

$ 73 305    $ 811

5 july - 15 july

$ 73 305    $ 811

17 july - 27 july

$ 73 305    $ 811

29 july - 8 august

$ 73 305    $ 811

9 august - 19 august

$ 73 305    $ 811

20 august - 30 august

$ 73 305    $ 811
Applause. ART

Russia, Moskva, OKSTs «Polyot»

Excellent 4,6 / 5

15 reviews

Creative Academy is for those who see the world in bright colors and is ready to transfer their imagination to a drawing paper, cardboard, T-shirt or even a wall! "ART" is a platform for the realization of its visual ambitions within the framework of creative academy. The program includes traini...

31 may - 10 june

View all shifts
$ 878     $ 834discount $ 44

31 may - 10 june

$ 75 410    $ 834

11 june - 21 june

$ 75 410    $ 834

23 june - 3 july

$ 75 410    $ 834

5 july - 15 july

$ 75 410    $ 834

17 july - 27 july

$ 75 410    $ 834

29 july - 8 august

$ 75 410    $ 834

9 august - 19 august

$ 75 410    $ 834

20 august - 30 august

$ 75 410    $ 834
Applause. Podium

Russia, Moskva, OKSTs «Polyot»

Excellent 4,6 / 5

3 reviews

On our trips children have a real opportunity to get into the fabulous world of fashion! Creative Academy "Podium "from the Production Company" Applause» is an opportunity to feel the camera flashes and bright lights of spotlights, to experience the work of makeup artists and hard work of stylis...

31 may - 10 june

View all shifts
$ 817     $ 776discount $ 41

31 may - 10 june

$ 70 147    $ 776

11 june - 21 june

$ 70 147    $ 776

23 june - 3 july

$ 70 147    $ 776

5 july - 15 july

$ 70 147    $ 776

17 july - 27 july

$ 70 147    $ 776

29 july - 8 august

$ 70 147    $ 776

9 august - 19 august

$ 70 147    $ 776

20 august - 30 august

$ 70 147    $ 776
Applause. Photo laboratory

Russia, Moskva, OKSTs «Polyot»

Excellent 4,5 / 5

7 reviews

Photography is one of the most important inventions of mankind. Our training program consists of the correct camera settings, photo editing, selecting the desired angle, advertising and subject shooting, landscape and portrait shooting. The production Company "Applause" offers to spend school ho...

31 may - 10 june

View all shifts
$ 817     $ 776discount $ 41

31 may - 10 june

$ 70 147    $ 776

11 june - 21 june

$ 70 147    $ 776

23 june - 3 july

$ 70 147    $ 776

5 july - 15 july

$ 70 147    $ 776

17 july - 27 july

$ 70 147    $ 776

29 july - 8 august

$ 70 147    $ 776

9 august - 19 august

$ 70 147    $ 776

20 august - 30 august

$ 70 147    $ 776
Applause. Choreography

Russia, Moskva, OKSTs «Polyot»

Very good 4,4 / 5

9 reviews

Choreography is an art form about the beauty and perfection of movement. This direction will help to form the right mode of the day and the rhythm of life. On each shift we choose a certain direction of dance from the origins to the present: classical base, modern choreography, hip-hop, vogue, e...

31 may - 10 june

View all shifts
$ 817     $ 776discount $ 41

31 may - 10 june

$ 70 147    $ 776

11 june - 21 june

$ 70 147    $ 776

23 june - 3 july

$ 70 147    $ 776

5 july - 15 july

$ 70 147    $ 776

17 july - 27 july

$ 70 147    $ 776

29 july - 8 august

$ 70 147    $ 776

9 august - 19 august

$ 70 147    $ 776

20 august - 30 august

$ 70 147    $ 776

Reviews rating 2,8 / 5

1 review

Аплодисменты. IT & Робототехника

Академия «IT & Робототехника» - это комплексные занятия по развитию таких наук, как: информатика, логика, физика, алгоритмика и механика в игровой форме теперь доступны и на наших выездных программах. Программа для тех ребят, кто хочет быть на «ты» с миром IT. А так же для тех, кто хочет собра...

31 may - 10 june

View all shifts
$ 878     $ 834discount $ 44

31 may - 10 june

$ 75 410    $ 834

11 june - 21 june

$ 75 410    $ 834

23 june - 3 july

$ 75 410    $ 834

5 july - 15 july

$ 75 410    $ 834

17 july - 27 july

$ 75 410    $ 834

29 july - 8 august

$ 75 410    $ 834

9 august - 19 august

$ 75 410    $ 834

20 august - 30 august

$ 75 410    $ 834
English club PRO

Russia, Moskva, pansionat "Zvenigorodskiy"

Excellent 4,5 / 5

4 reviews

The English club celebrates 20 th anniversary! English classes 2 times a day. In the program life under the Constitution, which was invented by children and counselors, as well as role-playing, quest, paramilitary games, cool shows on stage and discos every other day. A minimum of 2 games and 1 ...

30 may - 9 june

View all shifts
$ 891     $ 846discount $ 45

30 may - 9 june

$ 76 500    $ 846

11 june - 24 june

$ 94 500    $ 1 045

26 june - 9 july

$ 94 500    $ 1 045

11 july - 24 july

$ 94 500    $ 1 045

25 july - 4 august

$ 76 500    $ 846

5 august - 15 august

$ 76 500    $ 846
Dacha Teremok

Russia, Podol'sk, Dacha Teremok

Excellent 4,8 / 5

41 reviews

Dacha Teremok

Mini-camp "Dacha Teremok" invites children 5-12 years to relax in a picturesque place near Moscow, in a cozy home environment, in a small company of peers (no more than 10 people, 2 teachers). We offer riding and training in equestrian sports for both beginners and experienced riders; swimming i...

1 june - 6 june

View all shifts
$ 291     $ 277discount $ 15

1 june - 6 june

$ 25 000    $ 277

22 june - 27 june

$ 25 000    $ 277

29 june - 4 july

$ 25 000    $ 277

6 july - 11 july

$ 25 000    $ 277

13 july - 18 july

$ 25 000    $ 277

20 july - 25 july

$ 25 000    $ 277

27 july - 1 august

$ 25 000    $ 277

3 august - 8 august

$ 25 000    $ 277

10 august - 15 august

$ 25 000    $ 277

17 august - 22 august

$ 25 000    $ 277

24 august - 29 august

$ 25 000    $ 277
Family Valdai Robinsonada

Russia, Valday, kemping «Valdayskaya Robinzonada»

Excellent 5,0 / 5

1 review

Family Valdai Robinsonada

If you want the whole family to take a break from the noisy, dusty city and spend your long — awaited vacation with health benefits, unusual, unforgettable and interesting-we invite you to Valdai! This is a great offer for those who want to be alone with nature, like a real Robinson. A week spen...

6 july - 13 july

View all shifts
$ 530     $ 503discount $ 26

6 july - 13 july

$ 45 500    $ 503

3 august - 10 august

$ 45 500    $ 503
Football Academy Avangard

Russia, Sochi, Sportivnyiy kompleks "Yunost'"

Excellent 4,9 / 5

50 reviews

Football Academy Avangard

Football training camp of the Football Academy "Avangard" is a unique football camp in Russia, which allows to get a significant development of football skills in a short time and maximum pleasure from your favorite sport. High efficiency of AFM "AVANGARD" training camps is achieved due to full ...

1 june - 10 june

View all shifts
$ 523
After successfull reservation you will receive   1000  bonus points

1 june - 10 june

$ 523

1 june - 10 june

$ 756

11 june - 20 june

$ 756

21 june - 30 june

$ 523

21 june - 30 june

$ 756

1 july - 10 july

$ 523

1 july - 10 july

$ 756

11 july - 20 july

$ 523

11 july - 20 july

$ 756

21 july - 30 july

$ 523

21 july - 30 july

$ 756

31 july - 9 august

$ 523

31 july - 9 august

$ 756

10 august - 17 august

$ 465

10 august - 17 august

$ 639
Pearl coast

Russia, Yalta/Gurzuf, Zhemchuzhnyiy Bereg

Very good 4,0 / 5

13 reviews

Pearl coast

Children's camp "Pearl coast" is located in the Crimea, on The black sea, 12 km far from Yalta in the village of Gurzuf. Gurzuf is beautiful at any time of the year: unusual Crimean landscapes, picturesque bays attracted Pushkin, Chekhov, Chaliapin. In Gurzuf near the mountain Ayu-Dag the fa...

1 june - 21 june

View all shifts
$ 815     $ 807discount $ 8

1 june - 21 june

$ 70 000    $ 807

24 june - 14 july

$ 70 000    $ 807

17 july - 6 august

$ 70 000    $ 807

9 august - 29 august

$ 70 000    $ 807
Детская Республика "Поленово"

Russia, Tula, DOL "Detskaya Respublika Polenovo"

Excellent 4,6 / 5

5 reviews

Детская Республика "Поленово"

Детская Республика "Поленово" - это небольшой мир, созданный взрослыми, но в котором правят дети. Здесь всё подчинено детям! Игровые площадки, удобные корпуса, сказочные домики для кружков, бассейн, баскетбольная площадка, футбольное, волейбольное и бадминтонное поля позволяют ребятам активно и ...

25 august - 30 august

$ 348     $ 331discount $ 17

25 august - 30 august

$ 29 900    $ 331

Russia, Korolev, Shchelkovo, Shchelkovskiy rayon, derevnya Suponevo, KP Varezhki-1

Very good 4,2 / 5

5 reviews


During the rest, the children will have an exciting and varied leisure time, creative clubs, a rich sports program, equestrian section, animation program, quests, performances, KVN, discos, shows, concerts, hikes, bonfire evenings, excursions and of course intensive English course language (30 a...

13 june - 20 june

View all shifts
$ 419     $ 398discount $ 21

13 june - 20 june

$ 36 000    $ 398

22 june - 29 june

$ 36 000    $ 398

1 july - 8 july

$ 36 000    $ 398

10 july - 17 july

$ 36 000    $ 398

19 july - 26 july

$ 36 000    $ 398

28 july - 4 august

$ 36 000    $ 398

Russia, Moskva, g. Mozhaysk

Excellent 5,0 / 5

1 review


Программа AT dance поможет ребенку раскрыться, почувствовать свое тело, научит применять пластику для выражения своих эмоций и чувств, а так же развить хорошую физическую форму и координацию, чувство ритма и музыкальный слух.

1 june - 9 june

View all shifts
$ 687
After successfull reservation you will receive   1000  bonus points

1 june - 9 june

$ 687

14 june - 22 june

$ 687

25 june - 3 july

$ 687

5 july - 13 july

$ 687

19 july - 27 july

$ 687

1 august - 9 august

$ 687

10 august - 18 august

$ 687

20 august - 28 august

$ 687
Make reservation in category "Summer camps in Russia for children 6 - 11 years old" to the camps for children with a discount or bonus at incamp.me. Free reservation and cancellation! Select the best camp in Russia with our rating of camps. Compare price and genuine parents reviews about the camps.