Found 119 children's camps
Camp of outdoor activity “CONTACT” invites children from 7 to 16 years to spend an unforgettable vacation! "CONTACT" is a camp for those who like active vacation and whose interests are diverse. We offer different clubs, sports, horse riding, archery, evening entertainment, full-time during the ...
3 june - 18 june
View all shiftsTraining camp Creative camp is not just a camp! This is a program of acquisition, development and training of skills of a successful person. Each session combines three components: Training - each session is dedicated to the development of such qualities as leadership, conflict management, effec...
7 june - 18 june
View all shiftsПрофильная инженерно-техническая смена "Инжинириум" мгту им. Баумана в популярном лагере "Контакт"! Участникам лагеря предстоит проделать серьезную работу: смоделировать и собрать полезные в быту приборы. Ежедневные увлекательные занятия с молодыми и опытными преподавателями, отдых и развлечен...
3 june - 18 june
View all shiftsLong dreamed of becoming a counselor, but there is no time for leaders courses in the school season? Are you between 16 and 18? You do not want to say goodbye to the camp rhythm of life and are ready to look at the life of the camp "from the inside"? Then the Creative Academy "School of the coun...
Film directing - one of the main directions in the world of cinema! True film director must personally go through all the stages of filming, before heading the shooting of his own picture. Can't live a day without a camera? Would you like to practice working in the frame and beyond? Or maybe...
Stand - up (stand-Up) is a solo performance, with "sharp" jokes on vital and topical themes and always communicating with the audience. Creative Academy "Stand-up» in the camp" applause " Is a course of classes for the emancipation of a young comedian on stage! Humor-a delicate matter, the corre...
Football freestyle-a sport, the essence of which is to perform various tricks with a football ball using different parts of the body, except the hands. The creative Academy "Freestele Football" in the camp "Applause" is a course of classes on the development of skills in the field of working wit...
"The theater begins with a hanger." And our theater begins with a child's emotion. Acting, stage movement, stage speech and public speaking, training for emancipation, removal of clips and complexes. The production Company "Applause" offers to spend school holidays with benefit! Your child n...
"Music laboratory" is an Academy that will help you to feel and hear all the members of the band you are playing with!
Creative Academy is for those who see the world in bright colors and is ready to transfer their imagination to a drawing paper, cardboard, T-shirt or even a wall! "ART" is a platform for the realization of its visual ambitions within the framework of creative academy. The program includes traini...
On our trips children have a real opportunity to get into the fabulous world of fashion! Creative Academy "Podium "from the Production Company" Applause» is an opportunity to feel the camera flashes and bright lights of spotlights, to experience the work of makeup artists and hard work of stylis...
Photography is one of the most important inventions of mankind. Our training program consists of the correct camera settings, photo editing, selecting the desired angle, advertising and subject shooting, landscape and portrait shooting. The production Company "Applause" offers to spend school ho...
Choreography is an art form about the beauty and perfection of movement. This direction will help to form the right mode of the day and the rhythm of life. On each shift we choose a certain direction of dance from the origins to the present: classical base, modern choreography, hip-hop, vogue, e...
Академия «IT & Робототехника» - это комплексные занятия по развитию таких наук, как: информатика, логика, физика, алгоритмика и механика в игровой форме теперь доступны и на наших выездных программах. Программа для тех ребят, кто хочет быть на «ты» с миром IT. А так же для тех, кто хочет собра...
Creative camp with English lessons in a playful way. 5 meals per a day. During the session, children are waiting for: creative master classes, sports classes, theatrical performances and all this - in English! Daily access to the swimming pool. A bonus for parents will be a daily photo report of...
1 june - 14 june
View all shiftsThe program of the English camp E-Camp Juniors (7-9 years) is developed taking into account the age peculiarities of the development of children of this age. The whole program of the session will be held under the guidance of experienced teachers and groups - leaders, real professionals. Balance...
1 june - 14 june
View all shiftsMini-camp "Dacha Teremok" invites children 5-12 years to relax in a picturesque place near Moscow, in a cozy home environment, in a small company of peers (no more than 10 people, 2 teachers). We offer riding and training in equestrian sports for both beginners and experienced riders; swimming i...
"Главный Герой" - это программа для тех детей, которые мечтают стать медийной личностью. Это программа, которая поможет развиваться таланту. под руководством актера театра и кино Николая Иванова. Театральные смены — это искусство общения. Независимо от того, будет ребенок актером или нет...
"Heroes"- military-patriotic developing camp. The organizers know how to defeat the three main enemies of modern children - low physical activity, deep immersion in the virtual world and the lack of full-fledged real communication. Quests, military tactical exercises, intellectual games, swimmin...
Лагерь "Юный Метростроевец" открывает свои двери и приглашает всех играть и побеждать в большой общелагерной игре «Метро 2022», а так же построить собственную ракету в программе "PROкосмос". Играя, придумывая разные игры ребенок учится быть самостоятельным, проявляет свой творческий потенциал, ...
Cinema camp is an opportunity to become a real actor for 10 days and to star in a short film. There is everything to reveal your talent: acting and stage speech from the best teachers and students of VGIK, directing and dance classes, special effects workshop and cartoons laboratory. Each sessio...
10 june - 19 june
View all shifts"Dance Camp. Танцевальный интенсив для детей и подростков" - это ежедневные тренировки в разных стилях, начиная от классической хореографии и заканчивая современными популярными направлениями - брейк-данс, хип-хоп, джаз фанк, танцевальный фитнес и даже йога. Ребята будут ежедневно оттачивать с...
1 june - 10 june
View all shiftsMusic camp is an opportunity to discover your talents, learn to play guitar, keys or drums, work out with the best teachers, practitioners, gather your own music group and arrange a big summer concert. The program of the music camp is selected in such a way that it is suitable for children with d...
1 june - 10 june
View all shiftsTourist camp is not only unity with nature, it is an opportunity to test your strength in unusual conditions: learn to navigate the terrain, put up tents, build a shelter, properly build a fire, learn the basics of mountaineering and mountain tourism. What is more breathtaking than traveling? Al...
1 june - 10 june
View all shiftsScientific camp is experiments, interesting classes under the guidance of the best graduates and students of MSU. Each shift of the scientific camp is devoted to its narrow and interesting topics. You will be able to get acquainted with the experiments on robotics or to expand your knowledge in ...
1 june - 10 june
View all shiftsДетский лагерь «Искраград» — это круглогодичный лагерь с авторскими программами. У нас есть всё, о чём может мечтать ребёнок! «Искраград» — это: огромная живописная территория, сосны, свежий воздух и пение птиц. спортивные площадки на любой возраст и вкус. уютные ...
1 june - 21 june
View all shiftsПрограммы компании "GeoCamp" уникальны своей атмосферой, которая создается сотрудниками палаточной смены. Мы делаем отдых мальчишек и девчонок таким, каким они сами его видят. Программа каждого - индивидуальна и нравится человеку потому, что он все выбирает сам, исходя из своих интересов и...
Программы компании "GeoCamp" уникальны своей атмосферой, которая создается сотрудниками палаточной смены. Мы делаем отдых мальчишек и девчонок таким, каким они сами его видят. Программа каждого - индивидуальна и нравится человеку потому, что он все выбирает сам, исходя из своих интересов и...
В детском лагере «Звёздный» дети окунутся в атмосферу, в которую будут стремиться возвращаться из года в год для того, чтобы увидеться со старыми друзьями. Программа лагеря представляет собой спектр различных видов деятельности. Обучение навыкам скалолазания, занятия в веревочном парке,...
Программы лагеря "Сфера" - это 4 сферы жизни для гармоничного развития подростка: интеллектуальная, эмоциональная, духовная и сфера здоровья. Каждая включает в себя разноплановые активности, что позволяет всегда сохранять интерес участников кэмпа и разносторонне развиваться. Интеллектуальна...