Found 60 children's camps
The organizers of the children's camp "Yolka" make not just fun, but also educational sessions for children. Science is a way of life and the camp team works daily on several educational programs for children from 7 to 16 years. On the territory of the camp, each child has access to two mode...
Our efforts are aimed at cultivating creative and talented person, who loves his relatives and friends, his nearest, and motherland of course. To achieve this goal, it is necessary both to provide knowledge and skills that will contribute to the formation of appropriate ideals, principles and ou...
Тактическая и огневая подготовки, выживание в сложных условиях, альпинизм. Проект включает в себя укрепление здоровья, регулярные занятия спортом и вневойсковой подготовкой. В основе программы - принципы патриотического и духовно-нравственного воспитания. В стоимость программы также включены камуфляж, посещение бассейна и лазертаг.
Vodoley camp - camp, where there is an atmosphere of sincerity, mutual understanding and creativity. Each session - a new program. Invited guests: musicians, artists, psychologists. Only contact with real talent and professionalism carries away and charges with interest and desire to try! In add...
The program of children and family recreation "Zhivaya legenda" is designed for children from 7 to 17 years. In the adventure program children are waiting for busy days, sports, creativity, intellectual and cultural development. The task of the organizers is to bring up in children the love of k...
The program includes all the main sections of the Living Legend camp and a new block of gaming English. We, as before, will shoot with a bow and pistol, play board games, communicate with each other, but only with the laid-back use of English. Age of program participants: 8+ Basic knowledge of E...
A competent combination of outdoor activities and horse riding.
The English club celebrates 20 th anniversary! English classes 2 times a day. In the program life under the Constitution, which was invented by children and counselors, as well as role-playing, quest, paramilitary games, cool shows on stage and discos every other day. A minimum of 2 games and 1 ...
Mini-camp "Dacha Teremok" invites children 5-12 years to relax in a picturesque place near Moscow, in a cozy home environment, in a small company of peers (no more than 10 people, 2 teachers). We offer riding and training in equestrian sports for both beginners and experienced riders; swimming i...
Equestrian camp is a journey to the horse farm and daily horse riding. The camp program is designed for children who do not know how to ride, as well as for those who are already engaged in horse riding for years. Our instructors will make you first-class riders and teach you how to properly car...
23 march - 29 march
View all shiftsScientific camp is experiments, interesting classes under the guidance of the best graduates and students of MSU. Each shift of the scientific camp is devoted to its narrow and interesting topics. You will be able to get acquainted with the experiments on robotics or to expand your knowledge in ...
23 march - 29 march
View all shifts« Дети вТеме » – это: Камерный, по-домашнему уютный и безопасный каникулярный интенсив для детей. Погружение в мультипликацию вместе с преподавателями студии «СоюзМультфильм». За 5 дней дети создадут мультфильм с нуля. Путешествие по разным мультвселенным: от СоюзМульт...
24 march - 28 march
View all shiftsChildren's camp “ Stormwind “ works to ensure that children's rest was bright and memorable. Creativity is the most important component of our programs. Leisure should be not only pleasant, but also useful, just as education should bring joy from the process of mastering new ...
In the "NEXT CAMP", your children will enjoy programs developed by our experienced staff, full of interesting cultural and entertainment events, master classes, clubs, quests, educational and sports events, quizzes, contests and surprises! In addition to the" traditional "shifts, we also regular...
Программа "VIL Camp" ( 14 дней) позволяет заниматься одновременно развитием и воспитанием, при этом ребенок отдыхает и обучается, совершенно забыв про гаджеты. Развивает бизнес мышление и финансовую грамотность. Работает над развитием эмоционального интеллекта. Раскрывает т...
Детская Республика "Поленово" - это небольшой мир, созданный взрослыми, но в котором правят дети. Здесь всё подчинено детям! Игровые площадки, удобные корпуса, сказочные домики для кружков, бассейн, баскетбольная площадка, футбольное, волейбольное и бадминтонное поля позволяют ребятам активно и ...
A lump is an opportunity to improve oneself in the most important issues. This is a whole life where there is no time to be bored, where you learn to set a goal and achieve it, where you become more responsible, learn to defend your opinion and not be afraid of public speaking, start taking high...
Сообщество семей неравнодушных к воспитанию своих детей. Совместно проводим выезды, походы, чтобы воспитывать детей в православных, патриотических традициях, на нравственных примерах в любви к Богу, Родине и ближним! Ставим в приоритет взаимное доверие, следование общим правилам, умение ставить ...
Children's intellectual camp is a unique formof children's development. Every month on the territory of one of the best sports and recreation centers of the Moscow region for a few hours the guys master the wisdom of the ancient game of chess. The classes are organized under the directio...
During the rest, the children will have an exciting and varied leisure time, creative clubs, a rich sports program, equestrian section, animation program, quests, performances, KVN, discos, shows, concerts, hikes, bonfire evenings, excursions and of course intensive English course language (30 a...
“Хогвартс” - лагерь для детей, которые влюблены в мир Гарри Поттера и мечтали бы побывать в волшебной школе магии. Настоящее приключение, где ребенок играет свою роль и активно влияет на ход событий. Кроме того, каждая смена сопровождается различными интересными занятиями. У детей будут уроки зельеварения, ухода за магическими существами и растениями, музыкальные занятия, квиддич и многое другое
Exciting games, colorful events, hot lasertag battles, paintball tournaments, enchanting show programs, Holi holidays," Panda Park", climbing wall, boats, catamarans, bicycles, scooters, trampoline, interesting master classes-all this and much more is waiting for you. Your kid will be able to sp...
"Turistenok" is children's summer camp in the suburbs with an adventure travel program for the little ones. Hiking, treasures, kayaking and boating, games and training. Very comfortable conditions of food and accommodation.
29 may - 11 june
View all shifts"Kaleidoscope games" is a series of big games, adventures and lightning, kind and interesting programme of children's activities in the stationary camp in the suburbs. During the shift in the camp, children will be able to live a whole life: to be a brave knight and a wise magician, a magica...
14 june - 27 june
View all shiftsOxford Camp — круглогодичная детская программа для отдыха и развития. Организаторы предлагают 10-ти дневные тематические заезды, во время которых дети от 7 до 17 лет развивают свои креативные способности, смекалку и личные качества. Командные игры, спорт и активности способствуют при...
Oxford Camp — круглогодичная детская программа для отдыха и развития. Мы предлагаем 10-ти дневные тематические языковые заезды, во время которых дети от 7 до 17 лет развивают свои креативные способности, смекалку и личные качества. Каждый день ребят ожидают уроки английского языка с ...
The main task of the eco-camp "Land of Oz" on a real farm is to introduce young residents of the city with farming, teach them how to take care of the garden and animals, prepare culinary masterpieces, search for treasure using a map and compass, build a shelter in the forest and to recognize the...
Summer camp for children in the Moscow region "Oz" — is located in an ecologically clean Istra district and also has a well-designed program for children of all ages and a professional team of camp leades! The plenty of positive emotions, new friends and joyful events during the children's h...
1 june - 14 june
View all shiftsЛагерь для детей, мечтающих освоить профессию журналиста и овладеть навыками мобильной фото и видеосъемки, монтажа и ведения тематического блога. А так же получить навыки самопрезентации и защиты собственных проектов. Особое внимание в лагере уделяется мастерству публичного выступления, работаем...
17 june - 30 june
View all shiftsФутбольные сборы для детей от 6 до 18 лет. Лучшее место для развития футбольных навыков ребёнка. Сборы прошли ребята из ведущих клубов и академий России. За 5 лет на программе побывало более 700 участников, которые значительно улучшили показатели в своих командах. Ваш ребенок: Ул...