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Thematic camps in Russia for children 7 - 12 years old

Camps with places on the map

Found 10 children's camps

SHARE "City of Detinets". Robograd

Russia, Sankt-Peterburg, DOL "Grad Detinets"

Excellent 4,8 / 5

27 reviews

For the first time in the "City of Detinets" will be the Robo-Olympic Games! DOL “Grad Detinets” is located in the “Semiozerye” area. The concept of the camp combines such a content of a reverent attitude to the upbringing of children, their physical form and leisure. This is a children's va...

22 march - 30 march

View all shifts
$ 399     $ 379discount $ 20

22 march - 30 march

$ 34 800    $ 379

30 may - 19 june

$ 76 843    $ 836

30 may - 19 june

$ 103 023    $ 1 121

22 june - 12 july

$ 76 843    $ 836

22 june - 12 july

$ 103 023    $ 1 121

15 july - 4 august

$ 76 843    $ 836

15 july - 4 august

$ 103 023    $ 1 121

7 august - 27 august

$ 74 743    $ 814

7 august - 27 august

$ 100 919    $ 1 098
12 colleges. Team formula

Russia, derevnya Vaskelovo, baza otdyiha "Onega"

Very good 4,4 / 5

16 reviews

Camp in Montenegro "Team Formula!" This is not just an interesting trip to beautiful places, but also a full-fledged team building training. Psychologists accompanying children and adolescents will help plan the day, complete quests, and solve important time management tasks. We help adolescents...

24 march - 29 march

View all shifts
$ 447     $ 424discount $ 22

24 march - 29 march

$ 39 000    $ 424

30 june - 13 july

$ 63 900    $ 696

13 july - 26 july

$ 63 900    $ 696

26 july - 8 august

$ 63 900    $ 696

8 august - 21 august

$ 63 900    $ 696
Happy Day

Russia, Sankt-Peterburg, DOL "Svyazist"

Very good 4,3 / 5

33 reviews

Happy Day

Children's development camp Happy Day is a new creative project in the field of children's recreation. The program of developing rest and productive leisure Steps to Perfection developed by the authors of the project is the basis of activity. The development of relations is the main purp...

22 march - 30 march

View all shifts
$ 359     $ 341discount $ 18

22 march - 30 march

$ 31 340    $ 341

22 march - 30 march

$ 42 000    $ 457

1 june - 21 june

$ 73 128    $ 796

1 june - 21 june

$ 98 000    $ 1 067

24 june - 14 july

$ 73 128    $ 796

24 june - 14 july

$ 98 000    $ 1 067

17 july - 6 august

$ 73 128    $ 796

17 july - 6 august

$ 98 000    $ 1 067

9 august - 29 august

$ 73 128    $ 796

9 august - 29 august

$ 98 000    $ 1 067
Новый город «Дружный»

Russia, Sankt-Peterburg, Zagorodnyiy obrazovatel'nyiy i ozdorovitel'nyiy tsentr "Akademiya" (RANHiGS)

Новый город «Дружный»

Новый город «Дружный» — это первый и единственный в России детский киногород (по версии кинофестиваля «Лампа»). «Дружный» - это место развития творчества и новаторских идей для детей от 7 до 17 лет с разными способностями и потребностями. Туры посвящены кинематографии. Город «Дружный...

24 march - 29 march

$ 659     $ 626discount $ 33

24 march - 29 march

$ 57 500    $ 626
Клуб Альфа 78

Russia, Sankt-Peterburg, baza otdyiha "Onega"

Клуб Альфа 78

Смена в каникулы на живописной базе отдыха Парус пос. Лосево и Онега пос Васкелово со всеми бытовыми удобствами и современными спортивными площадками. Развлекательный патриотический квест- игра на каникулы "48 часов до рассвета ". На этой программе ребенок станет сильным, будет побеждать и захоч...

24 march - 30 march

View all shifts
$ 458     $ 435discount $ 23

24 march - 30 march

$ 40 000    $ 435

1 may - 4 may

$ 25 000    $ 272

8 may - 11 may

$ 25 000    $ 272

29 may - 12 june

$ 73 000    $ 795

16 june - 30 june

$ 73 000    $ 795

4 july - 18 july

$ 73 000    $ 795

22 july - 5 august

$ 73 000    $ 795

9 august - 26 august

$ 73 000    $ 795
Адаин Ло

Russia, Sankt-Peterburg, baza "Adain Lo"

Адаин Ло

Программа Адаин Ло проводится с уважением к еврейской традиции, но не является религиозной. На программе раскрываются детям важные страницы еврейской истории и культуры через игры и творчество. Смены не повторяются и погружают участников в новые интересные темы и активности. Создается принимаю...

24 march - 30 march

View all shifts
$ 239     $ 227discount $ 12

24 march - 30 march

$ 20 825    $ 227

24 march - 30 march

$ 23 625    $ 257

24 march - 30 march

$ 29 116    $ 317

24 march - 30 march

$ 31 916    $ 347

2 june - 22 june

$ 56 385    $ 614

2 june - 22 june

$ 62 475    $ 680

2 june - 22 june

$ 81 257    $ 884

2 june - 22 june

$ 87 347    $ 951

25 june - 15 july

$ 56 385    $ 614

25 june - 15 july

$ 62 475    $ 680

25 june - 15 july

$ 81 257    $ 884

25 june - 15 july

$ 87 347    $ 951

Russia, Sankt-Peterburg, DOL "Voenmeh"

Excellent 5,0 / 5

1 review

We have an advice for parents. Children need an interesting summer vacation, for a child it is the best gift! If You haven't decided on plans, we strongly recommend you to buy a ticket to the camp of Vagrants! An experienced team has been creating quality projects since 2004. In 2018, we pre...

1 june - 21 june

View all shifts
$ 1 165     $ 1 107discount $ 58

1 june - 21 june

$ 101 672    $ 1 107

24 june - 14 july

$ 101 672    $ 1 107

17 july - 6 august

$ 101 672    $ 1 107
Benedict English Booster

Russia, Sankt-Peterburg, DSOL "Leningradets"

Excellent 4,8 / 5

23 reviews

The Benedict school presents the Benedict English Booster language camp - it's fun, informative and always "with English". English classes are held in the form of a game that allows children to learn the language easily and naturally. Teachers care about how to inspire and develop the creati...

1 june - 21 june

View all shifts
$ 880
After successfull reservation you will receive   1000  bonus points

1 june - 21 june

$ 880

1 june - 21 june

$ 1 164

17 july - 6 august

$ 880

17 july - 6 august

$ 1 164

9 august - 29 august

$ 880

9 august - 29 august

$ 1 164

Russia, Sankt-Peterburg, DOL Pioner

Excellent 4,7 / 5

28 reviews


Our children are familiar with the transfer mechanisms, know how to lift elephants with the help of polyspast, collect self-managed models that do not stray from the given routes and find a way out of the maze, study the legacy of Archimedes along with the translation of “human” into the languag...

28 may - 17 june

View all shifts
$ 842     $ 758discount $ 84

28 may - 17 june

$ 842    $ 758

28 may - 17 june

$ 1 127    $ 820

20 june - 10 july

$ 911    $ 820

20 june - 10 july

$ 1 196    $ 1 076

13 july - 2 august

$ 911    $ 820

13 july - 2 august

$ 1 196    $ 1 076
Multi Pro Camp

Russia, Adler, kompleks "Luchezarnyiy"

Good 3,9 / 5

3 reviews

Multi Pro Camp

Мультиязычные каникулы с "Multi Camp" это языковые туры и программы с погружением в языковую среду, яркие запоминающиеся путешествия по России и за границей с профессионалами своего дела! Multi Camp - более 10 лет открыт для всех, кто увлекается изучением иностранных языков, интересуется традици...

21 june - 4 july

View all shifts
$ 1 323     $ 1 257discount $ 66

21 june - 4 july

$ 115 500    $ 1 257

5 july - 18 july

$ 115 500    $ 1 257

19 july - 1 august

$ 115 500    $ 1 257

2 august - 15 august

$ 115 500    $ 1 257
Make reservation in category "Thematic camps in Russia for children 7 - 12 years old" to the camps for children with a discount or bonus at incamp.me. Free reservation and cancellation! Select the best camp in Russia with our rating of camps. Compare price and genuine parents reviews about the camps.